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Sequential Consistency In Distributive Systems

What is the problem if we do not maintain consistency in Distributive systems?

What is Consistency?

Consistency is a fundamental property of distributed systems that ensures that all replicas of a shared data store have the same value. In a distributed system, data is typically replicated across multiple nodes to improve availability and fault tolerance. However, maintaining consistency across all replicas can be challenging, especially in the presence of concurrent updates and network delays.

Inconsistency problem in distributed systems

When multiple processes access shared resources concurrently, where the order of execution is not deterministic, the problem arises due to the need for maintaining consistency across these processes.

This challenge is further complicated by the fact that distributed systems are prone to various types of failures, such as message losses, network delays, and crashes, which can lead to inconsistencies in the execution order.

So, how to solve this inconsistency problem in distributed systems?

To ensure that shared resources are accessed in a consistent order by consistency, there are several consistency models that can be used in distributed systems. These models define the level of consistency that is guaranteed for shared resources in the presence of concurrent access by multiple processes.

What is the Consistency Model?

A consistency model is a set of rules or guidelines that determine how a distributed system should behave in terms of the ordering and visibility of updates made to shared data.

In a distributed system, where multiple nodes can access and modify the same data, it’s important to ensure that all nodes have a consistent view of the data to avoid conflicts and inconsistencies. A consistency model defines the level of consistency required for the system and specifies the mechanisms used to achieve it.

Different consistency models offer different trade-offs between consistency and performance, and they may prioritize factors such as availability, partition tolerance, or the level of coordination required between nodes.

Following are the different kinds of consistency models:

Eventual Consistency

Causal Consistency

Sequential Consistency

Strict Consistency/ Linearizability

Why to use sequential consistency as a consistency model in distributive systems?

Every concurrent execution of a program should ensure that the results of the execution are to be in some sequential order. It provides an intuitive model of how the distributed systems should behave, which makes it easier for users to understand and reason about the behavior of the system.

Sequential Consistency:

Sequential consistency is a consistency model that ensures that the order in which operations are executed by different processes in the system appears to be consistent with a global order of execution. It ensures that the result of any execution of a distributive system is the same as if the operations of all the processes in the system were executed in some sequential order, one after the other.

Example of Sequential Consistency

Sequential Consistency Example

Let us consider a distributive system here for four different processes, P1, P2, P3, and P4. Here, several different operations are occurring simultaneously, such as W(X, A) updating the value of X to be A, and R(X) reading the value of X.

Now, if we follow the given global order of operations, we get a sequentially consistent system.

W(X,A), R(X) = A, W(X,B), R(X) = B

With this sequential order, it makes sense that P3 reads A first and then B in subsequent read operations.

Techniques to implement Sequential Consistency

The following techniques can be used to implement sequential consistency in distributed systems:

Some common challenges in achieving Sequential Consistency

Achievement after implementing Sequential Consistency

After implementing sequential consistency in a distributed system, the system then provides a high level of consistency guarantee for shared resources. This means that the system ensures that the order of operations on a shared resource is consistent with the order in which they were issued by processes. As a result, the final state of the resource is the same as if the operations had been executed serially, even though they may have been executed concurrently by multiple processes.

Thus, this ensures that the system behaves correctly and consistently which is really essential and critical for several applications in fields of financial systems and mission-critical systems, also in databases of big applications. Thus, it ensures high reliability and consistency of the system.

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