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Sealed Class in Java

In Java, we have the concept of abstract classes. It is mandatory to inherit from these classes since objects of these classes cannot be instantiated. On the other hand, there is a concept of a final class in Java, which cannot be inherited or extended by any other class. What if we want to restrict the number of classes that can inherit from a particular class? The answer is sealed class. So, a sealed class is a technique that limits the number of classes that can inherit the given class. This means that only the classes designated by the programmer can inherit from that particular class, thereby restricting access to it. when a class is declared sealed, the programmer must specify the list of classes that can inherit it. The concept of sealed classes in Java was introduced in Java 15.

Steps to Create a Sealed Class


sealed class Human permits Manish, Vartika, Anjali
public void printName()
non-sealed class Manish extends Human
public void printName()
System.out.println("Manish Sharma");
sealed class Vartika extends Human
public void printName()
System.out.println("Vartika Dadheech");
final class Anjali extends Human
public void printName()
System.out.println("Anjali Sharma");

Explanation of the above Example:

Code Implementation

import java.lang.*;
sealed class Human permits Manish, Vartika, Anjali
    public void printName()
non-sealed class Manish extends Human
    public void printName()
        System.out.println("Manish Sharma");
sealed class Vartika extends Human
    public void printName()
        System.out.println("Vartika Dadheech");
final class Anjali extends Human
    public void printName()
        System.out.println("Anjali Sharma");
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Human h1 = new Anjali();
        Human h2 = new Vartika();
        Human h3 = new Manish();


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