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Scientific Calculator Using awk Command in Linux

The awk command in Linux allows the user to use the numeric functions, variables, logical operators and string functions. Basically, it is a utility that allows the user to write small and effective programs in the form the statements. It is mostly used in pattern scanning and processing. Here, we are using the awk command to perform the following operations:

Syntax for awk Command

awk options 'pattern{action }' input-file > output-file

Program: Here, we are using Ubuntu. We are saving the below program in file named To execute this program, you can use the below command:


pi=`echo "scale=10;4*a(1)" | bc -l`
while true
cat << MENU
    a) Floating Point Calculations
    b) Trigonometric Operations
    c) Logarithmic Operations
    d) Exponential Operations
echo '
Enter your Choice: \c'
read choice
case $choice in
    a)  echo "\nEnter expression: "
        read exp    
            awk "BEGIN{print $*}";    
        echo "Answer: " `cal $exp`
    b)  echo "\nEnter Trigonometric function : "
            read exp
            echo "Degree: "
            read degree
         e=$(awk "BEGIN{print $exp($degree*atan2(0,-1)/180)}")
            echo "
            $exp($degree)= $e" 
        c)  echo "\nEnter the logarithmic value: "
            read value
            echo $value | awk '{printf "%11.9f\n",log($1)/log(10)}' 
        d)  echo "\nEnter the base number x: "    
        read x
        echo "Enter exponent number y: "
        read y
        E=$(echo "$x 1" | awk "{print (($x/1)^$y)}")
        echo "$x^$y = $E"     


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