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Scala | Method Invocation

Method Invocation is a technique that demonstrates different syntax in which we dynamically call methods of a class with an object.
The naming conventions of Scala are same as of Java, that are:-

Let’s see methods with different arguments and styles.
Arity-0 : When there are 0 arguments to be passed to the method. Hence it is not mandatory to add parenthesis on methods. It will enhance the readability of the code and omission of parenthesis will reduce the number of characters to some extent.

obj.display() //correct
obj.display   //correct

Arity-1 : When there is only 1 argument to be passed to the method of arity-1. This rule should be used for purely-functional programming or the methods that take functions as parameters, then it is parenthesis can be avoided around the passed parameter. This type of syntax is also known as infix notation.
Example :

// Scala program for arity 1 
// Creating object
class x
    // Defining method
    def display(str: String)= 
// Creating object
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        val obj = new x
        obj.display("student") // correct
        obj display ("student") // correct
        obj display "student" // correct



Higher order function : A function is called Higher Order Function if it contains other functions as a parameter or returns a function as an output i.e, the functions that operate with another functions are known as Higher order Functions. It is worth knowing that higher order function is applicable for functions and methods as well that takes functions as parameter or returns a function as a result. This is practicable as the compiler of Scala allows to force methods into functions.
Example :

// Scala program of higher order 
// function 
// Creating object 
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        // Creating a Set of strings 
        val names = Set("sunil","akhil","rakhi"
        // Defining a method 
        def captainDesignation = (y: String) => "captain " + y
        // Creating a higher order function 
        // that is assigned to the String elements 
        val result = => captainDesignation(y)) 
        // Displays output 
        println("Multiplied List is: " + result) 


Multiplied List is: Set(captain sunil, captain akhil, captain rakhi)

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