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Rust – Generics

Generics in Rust is a method of generalizing data types. Generics are always defined at run time. As generics can have multiple forms over given parameters and can be applied to methods, functions, structures, traits, etc they are often referred to as parametric polymorphism in type theory. Generics allow writing clean and concise code thereby providing type safety and refactored code.

In Generics, we have <T> as the type parameter which is used to declare a generic construct T. T can be of any data type.

Now we see an example for generic collections, we create a vector that has an integer of i32 type.

Example 1: 

fn main(){
   let mut _int_vector: Vec<i32> = vec![10,20]; 
   // initializing integer vectors
   // integer number is pushed to a vector



The <T> type indicates the generic type specifier for the Data.

Example 2: 

// Generic Struct in RUST
struct Data<T> {
fn main() {
   // generic type of String
   let type1:Data<String> = Data{value:"GFG".to_string()};
   println!("Organization :{} ",type1.value);
   // generic type of i32
   let type2:Data<i32> = Data{value:2022};
   println!("Year :{} ",type2.value);




Here, the merge function takes a value of the string as well as takes a value of i32. T is the generic type specifier.

Example 3:

//  Generic Functions in RUST
fn main(){
   println!("****** Passing String literals*******"); 
   merge("Geeks for ", " Geeks "); 
   println!("******** Passing an integer ***********"); 
   merge(20 as i32, 22 as i32);
use std::fmt::Display;
fn merge<T:Display>(t:T, s:T){
   let result = format!("{}{}", t , s);
   println!("{}", result);



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