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Ruby | Enumerable each_cons() function

The each_cons() of enumerable is an inbuilt method in Ruby iterates for consecutive N elements starting from each element every time. If no block is given, it returns the enumerator.

Syntax: enu.each_cons(N) { |obj| block }

Parameters: The function takes the block which is used to check the condition and N which specifies the number of consecutive elements to take.

Return Value: It returns the elements iterative consecutive for each element.

Example 1:

# Ruby program for each_cons method in Enumerable
# Initialize
enu = (1.. 5)
# returns each element 
enu.each_cons(2){|obj| p obj}


[1, 2]
[2, 3]
[3, 4]
[4, 5]

Example 2:

# Ruby program for each_cons method in Enumerable
# Initialize
enu = (1..10)
# returns each element 


Enumerator: 1..10:each_cons(4)
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