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Ruby | Array drop() operation

Array#drop() : drop() is a Array class method which drops first ‘n’ elements from the array and returns the remaining elements.

Syntax:  Array.drop()

Parameter:  'n' - no. of elements to drop.

Return:  array after removing first n elements

Code #1 : Example for drop() method

# Ruby code for drop() method
# declaring array
a = [18, 22, 33, nil, 5, 6]
# declaring array
b = [1, 4, 1, 1, 88, 9]
# declaring array
c = [18, 22, nil, nil, 50, 6]
# drop
puts "drop : #{a.drop(5)}\n\n"
# drop
puts "drop : #{b.drop(0)}\n\n"
# drop
puts "drop : #{c.drop(20)}\n\n"

Output :

drop : [6]

drop : [1, 4, 1, 1, 88, 9]

drop : []

Code #2 : Example for drop() method

# Ruby code for drop() method
# declaring array
a = ["abc", "nil", "dog"]
# declaring array
b = ["cow", nil, "dog"]
# declaring array
c = ["cat", nil, nil]
# drop
puts "drop : #{a.drop(2)}\n\n"
# drop
puts "drop : #{b.drop(0)}\n\n"
# drop
puts "drop : #{c.drop(3)}\n\n"

Output :

drop : ["dog"]

drop : ["cow", nil, "dog"]

drop : []

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