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RSelenium – Search by name

In the article, we are going to learn how we can search an element using the name locator in Rselenium. To be more specific, we are going to learn how to use the findElement(using = ‘name’, value = ‘the name of the element’) method in Rselenium.


rsDriver$findElement(using = ‘name’, value = ‘the name of the element’)


Consider the following HTML code:

         <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Enter Your firstname">
         <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Enter Your lastname">
         <input type="submit" value="Submit">


Now, if we want to automate the filling of this form. We can use the findElement by name locator. We can use the following code to fill out the form:


# sending firstname and last name using the name locator
rsDriver$findElement(using = 'name', value = 'firstname').sendKeys('Ram')
rsDriver$findElement(using = 'name', value = 'lastname').sendKeys('Singh')

Now, let’s try to implement it with the help of Rselenium in R.

Step-by-step Implementation

Step 1: open up the Rstudio and create a new script named searchByName.R

Step 2: Import and load the Rselenium package into the Rstudio by using the following command:

# for installing the Rselenium package
# for loading the Rselenium package

Step 3: create a new Rselenium server using the Chrome web driver.

rdriver <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", # browser name
                   port = 8090L, # port number
                   chromever  = "98.0.4758.102", # browser version

This will create a new Rselenium server and will start the Chrome web driver.

Step 4:  Create a client object of the Rselenium server to interact with the web browser by using the following command:

# Creating client object
rseleniumClientObj <- rsDriver$client

Step 5: Navigate to the URL [] using the following command:

# Navigating to the URL

Step 6: To find the element by the name locator [q] and send the search keyword, we can use the following command:

# using name for finding the element
searchUsingName <- rseleniumClientObj$findElement(using = 'name', value = 'q')
# sending keys 
searchUsingName$sendKeys('GeeksforGeeks',key = "enter")

Here, q is the name of the element in the Google search page. The searchUsingName with sendKeys method will send the search keyword [“GeeksforGeeks”] to the element and then press the enter key.

Step 7: To close the browser and server, run the following command:

# close the RSelenium server and 
# chrome web browser

The above piece of code in R will close the Chrome web browser and the Rselenium server.

Full implementation of the whole R program code :

# Search using the name in RSelenium 
# load the required packages
# start the Selenium server
rdriver <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", # browser name
                    port = 2020L, # port number
                    chromever  = "98.0.4758.102", # chrome browser version
# creating a client object and opening 
# the browser
rseleniumClientObj <- rdriver$client
# Navigate to
# search using the name locator, here q(query)
# is the name
searchUsingName <- rseleniumClientObj$findElement(using = 'name'
                               value = 'q')
# sending "GeeksforGeeks" as a search query
searchUsingName$sendKeysToElement(list("GeeksforGeeks", key = "enter"))
# For closing the browser


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