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Role of Coding in Web Design Process

Coding allows web designers to make websites that can interact with users, databases, and other web resources. Coding also lets web designers add various features and functions, such as navigation, layout, animation, responsiveness, accessibility, and security Today we will look at the significant role of coding in web designing.

What’s the role of coding in web design?

Key Elements of Coding in Web Design

Coding Language

What it do?

Why important in web design?


Shapes webpage structure and content with tags.

Fundamental for creating the basic structure of web pages.


Styles HTML elements for a visually pleasing look.

Vital for making websites attractive and well-organized.


Makes websites interactive and dynamic.

Essential for client side programming and web applications


Its task is to made data which is kept in database

Crucial for storing, retrieving, and updating web data.

Benefits of Using Coding for Web Design

Practices to Avoid


After knowing the role of coding in web design we can understand that professional web design is only possible though coding and also there are lot of benefits of doing coding using web design. Hence, coding is not just about writing codes and creating webpages its about creating online expierence which would help, empower users in various ways. Coding provides us a lot of modules, libraries which open door of lot of features, designs and functionalities which can be added to websites

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