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Rivigo Recruitment Process

This article will give you information about the company, its recruitment process, sample questions that have been asked previously, lots of experiences shared by other aspirants, and the portal where you can apply.

About Company :

A technology startup called RIVIGO is constructing India’s material movement pipeline and improving logistics by making it more humane, swifter, safe, and economical.

Since our establishment in 2014, we have been revolutionizing the industry with our world-first driver relay model and a powerful fusion of technology, data, culture, and operational excellence to constantly provide our clients with unmatched delivery times and dependability. Additionally, the model makes sure that each of our truck drivers, or pilots, now spends less time away from his family, enabling him to live a life of significance, respect, and dignity.

Recruitment Process:

Rivigo Eligibility Criteria :

Online Assessment: This round is conducted on an online Platform Questions ask about Data Structure and Algorithms Medium – Hard level 2 – 3 Problems aks.

Technical Round 1: Check your Problem-Solving Skills Questions ask about Data Structure and Algorithms and Computer Science Concepts.

Technical Round 2: Discussion on Projects in which technologies are used in detail, Data Structures, and Algorithms, and Some Behavioral Questions.


Interview Experience: It is always beneficial if you know what it is to be there at that moment. So, to give you an advantage, we provide you with the Interview Experiences of candidates who have been in your situation earlier. Make the most of it. To check all types of interview experiences please go through Rivigo.

Qusetion asked in Rivigo :

  1. Number of subarrays having sum exactly equal to k
  2. Find the number of distinct islands in a 2D matrix
  3. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
  4. Arrange given numbers to form the biggest number
  5. Nth node from the end of a Linked List

We have resources for you from which you can prepare the programming questions that tech companies will ask you in the interview.

Where to apply:

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