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In web development, picking the right API technology is like picking the perfect tool for a job. Each one—REST API, GraphQL, and SOAP—has its own way of working. It’s really important for developers and businesses to know how these APIs are different because that helps them build apps that work really well and can do a lot of things.

Imagine you’re building a house: REST API, GraphQL, and SOAP are like different sets of building plans, each with its own style and approach. They’re the blueprints for how web applications communicate, defining the rules for sending and receiving information. Just like you’d choose the best blueprint for your dream house, developers choose the best API technology for their projects based on its strengths and capabilities.

What is REST API?

An API that employs HTTP requests for data access and usage is known as a RESTful API. These data types—GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE—refer to the reading, updating, creating, and deleting of resource-related actions. The code that enables two software applications to connect is called an API for a website. The API outlines how a programmer should design a program that asks an operating system or other application for services.

A RESTful API sometimes called a RESTful web service or REST API, is built on the REST protocol. In web services development, REST is a popular architectural style and communication technique.t.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a bit like a special language you can use to ask a website or app for information. It’s open-source, so anyone can use it and even help improve it. When you send a question using GraphQL, the server works out what you’re after, finds the right info, and sends it back. Unlike REST, where you might need to ask for things from different spots, GraphQL lets you usually get all you need in one go. It’s like a super-efficient way to get exactly what you want from a website or app!

What is SOAP?

SOAP, or Simple Objects Access Protocol is basically a web communication protocol that was created for Microsoft in 1998. These days, the main uses for it are HTTP/HTTPS data transmission and web service exposure. However, it’s not just them. Unlike the REST pattern, SOAP only supports the XML data format and adheres strictly to predetermined standards, including a protocol for sending procedure requests and responses, a messaging structure, and a set of encoding guidelines. SOAP can handle communications and provide responses that are platform- and language-independent since it has built-in support for building web-based services.

Although REST is the preferred protocol for most online data interchange, SOAP is here to stay because to its higher level of security, high degree of standardisation, and occasional automation capabilities.


Now that we have got the basic understanding of all the three API technology , let’s move to our comparison of REST API vs GraphQL vs SOAP. We will compare them on various different aspects.

1. Data Fetching and Data Manipulation

2. Flexibility

3. Performance and Efficiency

4. Ecosystem

5. Error Handling and Status Codes


HTTP Status Codes: In general, REST APIs use standard HTTP status codes to show the success or failure of a particular request. These HTTP status codes are divided into various different categories, such as 2xx when responses are successful , 4xx when there are any client errors, and 5xx typically for server errors. For example:


Single HTTP Status Code: In GraphQL, when you ask for something, you usually get a “200 OK” response, even if there was a problem. Instead of using the usual HTTP status codes to show errors, GraphQL tells you about any issues in a special list it sends back. It’s like getting a friendly message that explains exactly what went wrong, so you can fix it easily!


SOAP Faults: In SOAP APIs, when something goes wrong, then they use a special setup called a “SOAP fault” to tell you about it. It’s like getting a detailed report with all the info you reuquired—it includes a code for the type of error, a message explaining what happened, and sometimes more details. This report is neatly packed inside the SOAP envelope, so you know exactly what went wrong and how to fix it!

6. Security

Comparison Table : REST API vs GraphQL vs SOAP

Data Fetching Using HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) Query-based with a single endpoint Message-based using XML over HTTP or other protocols
Data Manipulation CRUD operations with standard HTTP methods Mutations for write operations SOAP messages for operations and data exchange
Flexibility Flexible with resource-based endpoints Flexible queries for data retrieval Rigid structure with defined message formats
Versioning Introduces new endpoints or versioning Complex versioning due to query-based nature Versioning of entire services
Tooling and Ecosystem Mature ecosystem with diverse tools and libraries Growing ecosystem with focus on GraphQL-specific tools Mature ecosystem with strong enterprise support
Performance and Efficiency Efficient for resource-based operations Efficient for querying complex data structures Efficient for structured data exchange
Error Handling Standard HTTP status codes for errors Custom error objects within responses SOAP-specific error codes and fault messages
Security Relies on underlying HTTP security mechanisms Supports various authentication mechanisms Built-in support for encryption and digital signatures
Adoption and Popularity Widely adopted with a large developer community Growing in popularity with active community Established in enterprise environments


In Conclusion, REST API is very trusted choice among developers as it offers many different tools. GraphQL is getting popular because it’s flexible and has many new tools. SOAP is strict but good for big companies. Think about what your project needs most when picking one.

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