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Replace two substrings (of a string) with each other

Given 3 strings S, A and B. The task is to replace every sub-string of S equal to A with B and every sub-string of S equal to B with A. It is possible that two or more sub-strings matching A or B overlap. To avoid confusion about this situation, you should find the leftmost sub-string that matches A or B, replace it, and then continue with the rest of the string. 
For example, when matching A = “aa” with S = “aaa”, A[0, 1] will be given preference over A[1, 2]

Note that A and B will have the same length and A != B.


Input: S = “aab”, A = “aa”, B = “bb” 
Output: bbb 
We match the first two characters with A and replacing it with B we get bbb. 
Then we continue the algorithm starting at index 3 and we don’t find any more matches.

Input: S = “aabbaabb”, A = “aa”, B = “bb” 
Output: bbaabbaa 
We replace all the occurrences of “aa” with “bb” and “bb” with “aa”, so the resultant string is “bbaabbaa”. 

Approach: Go through every possible sub-string from S of length len(A). if any sub-string matches A or B then update the string as required and print the updated string in the end.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 

// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
// Function to return the resultant string
string updateString(string S,
                    string A, string B)
    int l = A.length();
    // Iterate through all positions i
    for (int i = 0; i + l <= S.length(); i++)
        // Current sub-string of
        // length = len(A) = len(B)
        string curr = S.substr(i, i + l);
        // If current sub-string gets
        // equal to A or B
        if (curr == A)
            // Update S after replacing A
            string new_string = "";
            new_string += S.substr(0, i) + B +
                          S.substr(i + l, S.length());
            S = new_string;
            i += l - 1;
        else if(curr == B)
            // Update S after replacing B
            string new_string = "";
            new_string += S.substr(0, i) + A +
                          S.substr(i + l, S.length());
            S = new_string;
            i += l - 1;
          //do nothing
    // Return the updated string
    return S;
// Driver code
int main()
    string S = "aaxb";
    string A = "aa";
    string B = "bb";
    cout << (updateString(S, A, B)) << endl;
// This code is contributed by
// Surendra_Gangwar

// Java implementation of the approach
class GFG {
    // Function to return the resultant string
    static String updateString(String S, String A, String B)
        int l = A.length();
        // Iterate through all positions i
        for (int i = 0; i + l <= S.length(); i++) {
            // Current sub-string of length = len(A) = len(B)
            String curr = S.substring(i, i + l);
            // If current sub-string gets equal to A or B
            if (curr.equals(A)) {
                // Update S after replacing A
                String new_string
                    = S.substring(0, i)
                      + B + S.substring(i + l, S.length());
                S = new_string;
                i += l - 1;
            else {
                // Update S after replacing B
                String new_string
                    = S.substring(0, i)
                      + A + S.substring(i + l, S.length());
                S = new_string;
                i += l - 1;
        // Return the updated string
        return S;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String S = "aab";
        String A = "aa";
        String B = "bb";
        System.out.println(updateString(S, A, B));

# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Function to return the resultant string
def updateString(S, A, B):
    l = len(A)
    # Iterate through all positions i
    i = 0
    while i + l <= len(S):
        # Current sub-string of
        # length = len(A) = len(B)
        curr = S[i:i+l]
        # If current sub-string gets
        # equal to A or B
        if curr == A:
            # Update S after replacing A
            new_string = S[0:i] + B + S[i + l:len(S)]
            S = new_string
            i += l - 1
            # Update S after replacing B
            new_string = S[0:i] + A + S[i + l:len(S)]
            S = new_string
            i += l - 1
        i += 1
    # Return the updated string
    return S
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    S = "aab"
    A = "aa"
    B = "bb"
    print(updateString(S, A, B))
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain

// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
class GFG
    // Function to return the resultant string
    static string updateString(string S, string A, string B)
        int l = A.Length;
        // Iterate through all positions i
        for (int i = 0; i + l <= S.Length; i++)
            // Current sub-string of length = len(A) = len(B)
            string curr = S.Substring(i, l);
            // If current sub-string gets equal to A or B
            if (curr.Equals(A))
                // Update S after replacing A
                string new_string = S.Substring(0, i) +
                                 B + S.Substring(i + l);
                S = new_string;
                i += l - 1;
                // Update S after replacing B
                string new_string = S.Substring(0, i) +
                                A + S.Substring(i + l);
                S = new_string;
                i += l - 1;
        // Return the updated string
        return S;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        string S = "aab";
        string A = "aa";
        string B = "bb";
        Console.WriteLine(updateString(S, A, B));
// This code is contributed by Ryuga

// PHP implementation of the approach
// Function to return the resultant string
function updateString($S, $A, $B)
    $l = strlen($A);
    // Iterate through all positions i
    for ($i = 0; $i + $l <= strlen($S); $i++)
        // Current sub-string of length = len(A) = len(B)
        $curr = substr($S, $i, $i + $l);
        // If current sub-string gets equal to A or B
        if (strcmp($curr, $A) == 0)
            // Update S after replacing A
            $new_string = substr($S, 0, $i) . $B .
                        substr($S, $i + $l, strlen($S));
            $S = $new_string;
            $i += $l - 1;
            // Update S after replacing B
            $new_string = substr($S, 0, $i) . $A .
                        substr($S, $i + $l, strlen($S));
            $S = $new_string;
            $i += $l - 1;
    // Return the updated string
    return $S;
// Driver code
$S = "aab";
$A = "aa";
$B = "bb";
echo(updateString($S, $A, $B));
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech.

// Javascript implementation of the approach
// Function to return the resultant string
function updateString(S, A, B)
    let l = A.length;
    // Iterate through all positions i
    for(let i = 0; i + l <= S.length; i++)
        // Current sub-string of length = len(A) = len(B)
        let curr = S.substring(i, i + l);
        // If current sub-string gets equal to A or B
        if (curr == A)
            // Update S after replacing A
            let new_string = S.substring(0, i) +
                         B + S.substring(i + l);
            S = new_string;
            i += l - 1;
            // Update S after replacing B
            let new_string = S.substring(0, i) +
                         A + S.substring(i + l);
            S = new_string;
            i += l - 1;
    // Return the updated string
    return S;
// Driver code
let S = "aab";
let A = "aa";
let B = "bb";
document.write(updateString(S, A, B));
// This code is contributed by mukesh07


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