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Replace a substring with another string in Julia – replace() Method

The replace() is an inbuilt function in julia that is used to replace a word or character with the specified string or character.


replace(s::AbstractString, pattern=>Word; count::Integer)


Returns: It returns a new sentence with replaced words. 
Example 1: 

# Julia program to illustrate
# the use of String replace() method
# Getting a new sentence with replaced words
println(replace("GFG is a CS portal.", "CS" => "Computer Science"))
println(replace("GeeksforGeeks is a CS portal.", "GeeksforGeeks" => "GFG"))


Example 2: 

# Julia program to illustrate
# the use of String replace() method
# Getting a new sentence with replaced words
println(replace("GFG Geeks.", "GFG" => "GeeksforGeeks", count = 1))
println(replace("GFG Geeks GFG.", "GFG" => "GeeksforGeeks", count = 2))



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