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Registers of 8085 microprocessor

Introduction :

A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register-based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions and provide results as output. A 8085 microprocessor, is a second generation 8-bit microprocessor and is the base for studying and using all the microprocessor available in the market. 

Why use Registers in 8085 microprocessor ?

Here are some reasons why registers are used in the 8085 microprocessor:

  1. Temporary storage: Registers are used as temporary storage locations for data that needs to be processed by the microprocessor. For example, when performing arithmetic operations, the operands are typically stored in registers.
  2. Addressing: Registers are used for addressing memory locations in the 8085 microprocessor. The program counter (PC) register keeps track of the memory location of the current instruction, while the stack pointer (SP) register keeps track of the top of the stack.
  3. Input/Output: Registers are used for communicating with input/output (I/O) devices. For example, the accumulator (A) register is used for communicating with the data bus, which is connected to I/O devices.
  4. Status information: Registers are used for storing status information about the state of the microprocessor. For example, the flag register stores information about the results of arithmetic and logical operations, including whether a result is negative, zero, or carry.
  5. Optimization: Registers are used to optimize the performance of the microprocessor. By using registers to store frequently used data and instructions, the microprocessor can access this information more quickly than if it had to retrieve it from memory.

Registers in 8085: 

(a) General Purpose Registers – The 8085 has six general-purpose registers to store 8-bit data; these are identified as- B, C, D, E, H, and L. These can be combined as register pairs – BC, DE, and HL, to perform some 16-bit operation. These registers are used to store or copy temporary data, by using instructions, during the execution of the program.

 (b) Specific Purpose Registers –

(c) Memory Registers – There are two 16-bit registers used to hold memory addresses. The size of these registers is 16 bits because the memory addresses are 16 bits. They are :-

Uses of Registers of 8085 microprocessor :

Here are some common uses of the different registers in the 8085 microprocessor:

  1. Accumulator (A) register: The accumulator register is the most commonly used register in the 8085 microprocessor. It is used for arithmetic and logical operations, as well as for input/output (I/O) operations. The accumulator is also used as a temporary storage location for data.
  2. Program Counter (PC) register: The PC register is used to keep track of the memory location of the current instruction. When an instruction is executed, the PC register is automatically incremented to point to the next instruction in memory.
  3. Stack Pointer (SP) register: The SP register is used to keep track of the top of the stack. The stack is used for temporary storage of data and return addresses during subroutine calls.
  4. Flag Register: The flag register is used to store status information about the results of arithmetic and logical operations, including whether a result is negative, zero, or carry.
  5. General Purpose Registers (B, C, D, E, H, and L): These registers are used for general purpose storage of data, as well as for addressing memory locations. They can be used in pairs as 16-bit registers, such as BC, DE, and HL, for more efficient addressing of memory locations.
  6. Instruction Register (IR) and Machine Cycle Register (MCR): These registers are used internally by the microprocessor to decode instructions and control the timing of machine cycles.

 Features of these registers are:

  1. All of the registers in the 8085 microprocessor are directly accessible by the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), allowing for efficient processing of data.
  2. The accumulator register is used as a default destination for most arithmetic and logic instructions, which simplifies programming.
  3. The general purpose registers can be used for storing data during computations, but they can also be used to hold memory addresses, making them useful for accessing memory locations.
  4. The program counter and stack pointer registers are crucial for managing the flow of instructions and data within a program.
  5. The flag register provides valuable information about the results of arithmetic and logic operations, allowing for efficient decision-making in programs.
  6. The instruction register stores the current instruction being executed, allowing for efficient decoding and control signal generation by the control unit.


  1. Fast access: Registers provide a fast and efficient way to access data and perform operations. Since the registers are located inside the processor, they can be accessed quickly without having to wait for data to be fetched from memory.
  2. Reduced memory access: The use of registers can help reduce the number of memory accesses required, which can improve the overall performance of the system.
  3. Specialized functionality: Each register in the 8085 microprocessor has a specific function, such as the accumulator for arithmetic operations and the program counter for storing the address of the next instruction. This specialized functionality can make programming and debugging easier.
  4. Reduced complexity: By providing dedicated registers for specific purposes, the 8085 microprocessor reduces the complexity of the programming and execution process.


  1. Limited storage capacity: The 8085 microprocessor has a limited number of registers, which can restrict the amount of data that can be stored and manipulated at any given time.
  2. Complex addressing modes: Some of the addressing modes used in the 8085 microprocessor can be complex, which can make programming more difficult.
  3. Context switching: In some cases, switching between different sets of registers can add overhead and complexity to the programming process.
  4. Lack of flexibility: The fixed number and function of registers in the 8085 microprocessor can limit the flexibility of the system and make it more difficult to adapt to changing requirements.

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