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Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit or RTK is an node package that simplify the development by providing utility functions. It is made to simplify the creation of redux store and provide easy state management. It can be easily installed using simple npm commands.

Before the introduction of the Redux toolkit state management was complex in simple redux.

Redux Toolkit

The Redux toolkit acts as a wrapper around Redux and encapsulates its necessary functions. Redux toolkit is flexible and provides a simple way to make a store for large applications. It follows SOPE principle which means it is Simple, Opinionated, Powerful, and Effective.

Problems solved by Redux Toolkit (RTK) in Redux

Redux Toolkit was created to solve these three common problems that we face in Redux.

Check this article to know Why Redux Toolkit is prefered over Redux.

Steps to Install and Import Redux Toolkit(RTK)

Step 1: Redux Toolkit (RTK) Installation

To install the redux toolkit in our project type the following command in the terminal.

// RTK Installation
// using NPM
npm i @reduxjs/toolkit
npm i react-redux        // We also need basic redux with this application
// using Yarn
yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit

Step 2: Importing Redux Toolkit (RTK)

We import only the necessary functions in our code

// Importing 
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';        // Creates a store
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';              // Combines and creates reducer

Dependencies after installing Redux Toolkit:

"dependencies": {
    "react": "^17.0.2",
    "react-dom": "^17.0.2",
    "@reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.6.1",
    "react-redux": "^7.2.5"

Benefits of Redux Toolkit (RTK)

Important function provided by Redux Toolkit:

Difference between Redux and Redux Toolkit

React Redux

Redux Toolkit (RTK)

Redux often required writing a significant amount of boilerplate code, such as action creators, reducers, and store setup.

Redux Toolkit is designed to minimize boilerplate code. It includes utilities like createSlice for reducers and configureStore for store configuration, reducing the amount of manual setup required.

Reducers are typically created using a switch statement, handling various action types explicitly.

With createSlice from Redux Toolkit, reducers can be defined more concisely using a “slice” of the state and auto-generated action creators.

Utility libraries like Object.assign or the spread operator are required to ensure immutability

It encourages immutability by providing utility functions like immer internally, allowing more straightforward state updates within reducers.

Setting up the Redux store involves configuring middleware, combining reducers, and applying additional enhancements.

configureStore from Redux Toolkit simplifies store configuration by integrating commonly used middleware and providing a more streamlined setup.

Handling asynchronous actions requires additional middleware, like redux-thunk or redux-saga.

createAsyncThunk is included in Redux Toolkit which simplify the process of managing asynchronous actions within the Redux store.

It may have a steeper learning curve due to the amount of boilerplate code and manual configuration.

It is designed to improve developer experience by reducing boilerplate, making it more accessible and efficient, especially for beginners.

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