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Reduction Theorem in TOC

Reduction Theorem :
A reduction from A to B is a function             

                          f : Σ1* → Σ2* such that For any w ∈ Σ1*, w ∈ A if f(w) ∈ B

H accepts w if R accepts f(w) if f(w)∈ B if w ∈ A

Why Reductions Matter?
If language A reduces to language B, we can use a recognizer / co-recognizer / decider for B to recognize / co-recognize / decide problem A.

If A is reducible to B ( A<= B ) –



  1. A <= B – Problem A is reducible to problem B.
  2. A <=m B – Problem A is many to one reducible to problem B.
  3. A <=m B – Problem A is reducible in polynomial manner to problem B.

Mapping Reductions :

Properties of Reduction :

Examples –

1. A :  t4 – 1 ————- B : t2 – 1 , C : t2 + 1 
In example 1 since A is solvable and B,C<A so, B and 
C is also solvable 

 since, ( t4 - 1 )= ( t2 - 1 ) * ( C : t2 + 1 ) 

2. A :  Is L(D) = Σ* ? ———> Problem A can be reduced to B : Is L(D1) = Σ* – L(D2)
In example B is subset of A so A is reduced to Problem B.

3. A :  Is L(G) = NULL ? ———> Problem A can be reduced to B : Is L(G1) is subset of L(G2) ? 
If above problem A is reduced to a simpler form problem B then solution would be easy.

4. A :  a3 + b3 + 3a2b + 3b2a --------------> A is reduced to B : ( a + b )3 
If A reduces to B and B is “solvable,” then A is “solvable.” 

5. Reduction of LD to  ————->  0* 1*
    Wyes =01  and  Wno= 10
    Then reduced form f(w) will be :  f (w)={ 01  if w ∈ LD  ,  10 if  w ∉ LD }

6. Find reduced grammar equivalent to grammar G, having production rules 

P : S --> AC | B, A --> a, C --> c | BC, E --> aA | e
 Phase 1 - T= {a ,c, e},  W1= {A,C,E},   W2= {A,C,E,S},  W3= {A,C,E,S}
           G' = { (A,C,E,S), (A,C,E), P, (s) },  
           P: S --> AC , A --> a, C --> c, E --> aA | e 
 Phase 2 -  Y1= {S}  ,  Y2 = {S,A,C}  ,  Y3= {S, A, C, a, c}  ,  YL1 = { S, A, C, a, c }
            G'' = { (A,C,S), (a,c), P, {S} },  
            P: S --> AC , A --> a, C --> c

7. Problem A (Hard Problem) – Move from New Guinea to Amazon City.
    ( Since, we know there is an easy way from New Guinea to Canada) So, we will reduce the problem into easier one.

    Problem B(easier problem) – Move from Canada to Amazon City.
     So, It is clear if we can find a solution to the easier problem, then we can use it to solve a harder one.

8.  Given  Problem A : L1<=L2 and L2<=L3

  1. If L2 is decidable then —–> L1 is decidable  and  L3 is either decidable or not decidable.
  2. If L2 is undecidable then —–> L1 is either decidable or not decidable  and  L3 is undecidable .
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