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Reddit’s New AI Training Deal: Selling User Content

Reddit, the popular online platform, has recently struck a $60 million deal with a leading AI company. This move comes as the platform prepares for a public debut valued at $5 billion. The deal allows the use of Reddit’s vast data for AI training. This article will provide details on Reddit’s new AI training deal, talking about its implications and the potential repercussions.

What is Reddit’s New Deal About?

Reddit, a popular social media platform, has entered into a deal worth approximately $60 million per year with an AI company. This move comes as Reddit is preparing for its Initial Public Offering (IPO) and aims to maximize its value. The deal is about the permission granted to the AI company to train its models using the content generated on Reddit. This content encompasses a wide range of topics and discussions, making it a rich resource for training diverse AI models. This deal marks a significant milestone in the intersection of social media and AI technology.

How Will the Deal Work?

Under the terms of the deal, Reddit has entered into a contract. This contract permits the AI company to utilize Reddit’s user-generated content for training its AI models. This strategic move is timed as Reddit is on the verge of launching its Initial Public Offering (IPO), which is expected to occur soon. The deal signifies a novel approach to leveraging social media content for AI development, and it highlights the value of user-generated content in enhancing AI capabilities.

What is the Value of Reddit’s Deal?

The agreement between Reddit and the AI company is reported to have a significant monetary value, estimated at $60 million per year. This information was initially disclosed by Reddit earlier in 2024, during discussions with potential investors in anticipation of its upcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO). The value of the deal shows the importance and potential of user-generated content in AI training and development.

Affect on Users’ Ownership Rights and Attribution

Reddit’s deal with the AI company raises questions about user content ownership and attribution. According to Reddit’s Terms of Service, users retain ownership rights to their content. However, they grant Reddit a license to use, modify, distribute, and display their content. This includes the right to make the content available for AI training. Therefore, while the deal may enhance AI capabilities, it also brings forth concerns about user rights and the transparency of content usage.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Reddit’s AI Training?

The AI training deal between Reddit and the AI company presents both opportunities and challenges. On the positive side, it highlights the growing interest in AI and positions Reddit as a formidable player in technology and investment. The deal could set a precedent for future AI partnerships and influence Reddit’s IPO valuation. However, it also raises concerns about user rights and the transparency of content usage. The ever-improving capabilities of AI are a double-edged sword. Harms may be intentional, like deepfake videos, or unintended, like algorithms that reinforce racial and other biases.


This deal represents a significant shift in the way AI companies access and use data for training their models. While it may raise some concerns among users about the use of their content, it also opens up new possibilities for the advancement of AI technologies.

FAQs On Reddit’s New AI Training Deal

How much is the Reddit deal worth?

The deal is reported to be worth $60 million a year.

Who is the AI company involved in the deal?

The name of the AI company has not been disclosed.

Will the deal affect Reddit users?

If the deal goes through, user-generated content on Reddit may be used to train the next generation of AI models.

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