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Red Hat Internship Interview Experience (Off-Campus)

I applied to the Red Hat portal directly without any referral on Sept 2021 and within a month I got the test link. My test was around 60 minutes long (It may be different for you).

The test consists of MCQ’s and 2 coding Questions.

Now, within Once week I was informed that I have cleared my coding round and the interviews will be scheduled in the upcoming weeks. But due festive season My first technical interview was scheduled on 17 November 2021 (After 1 month clearing the coding test). 

So, Now  my interview took around 1 hour+ , But average interview could take up to 45 minutes. It was taken on Google Meet.

Interviewer: Greets me, Tell me something about u?

Me: Told.

Interviewer: Which language do you prefer Coding in?

Me: I know C/C++ and Javascript, But I use to code primarily in C++.

Interviewer: Do you know OOPS concept?

Me: Yes

Interviewer: What is inheritance? (Followed up with types of inheritance and how do we remove ambiguity in multiple Inheritance?)

Me: Told

Interviewer: What is linked list? (Followed by Types of linked list )


Interviewer: Coding Questions  1)write code to find the middle of the linked List . 2) write code to detect loop in linkedList  . 3) Implement Stack using Queue

Me: Told

Interviewer: OS concepts like  Process Synchronization, Deadlock, Virtual Memory etc.

Me: Told

Interviewer: What is the difference between const char *p and char *const p?

Me: Told

Interviewer: What is memory leak?

Me:  Told

Interviewer:  Are you comfortable with linux?

Me: Just Started learning It.

Interviewer: Saw my resume and find  Github and Git was written, Questions:-What is the difference between Git and Github, Git command for branching, removing branch etc

Me: Told

Interviewer: I am done with my process, do you have any questions for me?

Me: Asked , Done

Result: Awaited


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