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Reasoning Syllabus for IBPS PO

IBPS PO Reasoning Important Topics 2023: Most government job exams include a section on Reasoning Ability. IBPS PO is no exception. Reasoning Ability is tested in both the IBPS PO Prelims and the IBPS PO Mains. Many students struggle to score well in this subject due to the growing difficulty level of this exam throughout the years.

To advance to the next phase, candidates must meet the sectional cutoff for Reasoning Ability in both the Prelims and Mains. Candidates can’t ignore In reality, passing the Reasoning Ability sectional cutoff is insufficient for Mains because Mains grades are used for final merit listing. As a result, one must prepare in order to achieve a good score in this area. GeeksforGeeks will show you how to prepare for the IBPS PO Reasoning Exam.

Reasoning Syllabus for IBPS PO Exam

The Reasoning Ability component of the IBPS PO Prelims consists of 35 questions, each worth one mark. This part has a time limit of 20 minutes to finish. The Reasoning Ability section is included with the Computer Aptitude part in IBPS PO Mains. The overall number of questions combining these two is 45, with a total of 60 points. This segment will take 60 minutes to complete.

Understanding the weightage, marking system, and time length for this part is critical since preparing for the Reasoning Ability section necessitates focusing not only on the information required for this section but also on time management skills in order to complete this portion on time. Below are the IBPS PO important reasoning topics you need to be thorough in:

Alphanumeric Series


Seating Arrangement

Code Inequalities

Input Output

Blood Relation

Direction and Distances

Order and Ranking

Data Sufficiency




Understanding the IBPS PO syllabus – the topics included in the Reasoning Ability part of the IBPS PO exam are the first step toward a successful and effective study strategy. It should be mentioned that the Reasoning Ability syllabus is the same for both IBPS PO Prelims and IBPS PO Mains, and therefore the preparation is also the same. Be constant with your IBPS PO exam practice and attempt as many practice questions as you can.

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