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React Suite Icon Size

A React suite is a library of React components, sensible UI design, and a friendly development experience. It is supported in all major browsers. It provides pre-built components of React which can be used easily in any web application.

In this article, we’ll learn about React Suite Icons sizes. React suite icons can change their size by using basic CSS properties.

Icon Props:

Using Icons in React Suite:

To use icons in the React suite project, we need to install the following package.

Step 1: Install the @rsuite/icons package into your project directory.

npm install --save @rsuite/icons

Step 2: Import the Icons in your function component from the package.

import { Gear, AddOutline } from '@rsuite/icons';


//Import Statement
import SpinnerIcon from '@rsuite/icons/legacy/Spinner';

//Function component
Function App () {
    return (
    <SpinnerIcon style={{ fontSize: '1em'}} />

Example 1: Below example demonstrates the different icon sizes.

import Github from '@rsuite/icons/legacy/Github';
import React from "react";
import "rsuite/dist/rsuite.min.css";
function App() {
    const GitIcon = ({ size }) => <Github 
        style={{ fontSize: size }} />;
    return (
        <div style={{ padding: 10 }}>
            <h3 style={{ color: "green" }}>
                React Suite Icons Sizes
                <GitIcon size="1em" />
                <GitIcon size="2em" />
                <GitIcon size="3em" />
                <GitIcon size="4em" />
                <GitIcon size="5em" />
                <GitIcon size="6em" />
export default App;



Example 2: Below example demonstrates the different sizes of colored animated Icons.

import SpinnerIcon from '@rsuite/icons/legacy/Spinner';
import React from "react";
import "rsuite/dist/rsuite.min.css";
function App() {
    return (
        <div style={{ padding: 10 }}>
            <h3 style={{ color: "green" }}>
                React Suite Icons Sizes
                <SpinnerIcon spin style={{ fontSize: '1em'
                    marginRight: 5, color: 'red' }} />
                <SpinnerIcon spin style={{ fontSize: '2em'
                    marginRight: 5, color: 'green' }} />
                <SpinnerIcon spin style={{ fontSize: '3em'
                    marginRight: 5, color: 'blue' }} />
                <SpinnerIcon spin style={{ fontSize: '4em'
                    marginRight: 5, color: 'yellow' }} />
                <SpinnerIcon spin style={{ fontSize: '5em'
                    marginRight: 5, color: 'orange' }} />
                <SpinnerIcon spin style={{ fontSize: '6em' }} />
export default App;




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