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React MUI Palette

React MUI Palette is used to adjust the colors for your component or specify default values. The Material UI theme module is utilized in the Palette. It can be used to change the component colors to match your brand.

Default Palette colors:

Syntax for default palette colors:

<Component color='colorName' />

Customized Palette colors:

By providing a palette object as part of your theme, you can alter the default palette settings. If any of the default color is provided, it will override it. Palette used the React MUI Theme module for customizing colors.

Syntax for customized palette colors:

const theme = createTheme({
    palette: {
        primary: {
            main: color,

First of all, we will start with creating a React app in VS Code.

Step 1: Create React app by writing the below code in any command line.

npx create-react-app app_name

Step 2: Then, we have to move into the folder we will be working on.

cd project_name

Step 3: We will be installing the @mui/material library for working on our project.

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

Project Structure:  After creating React App and installing all the dependencies, the folder structure will look similar to the figure given below.

Folder Structure

Steps to run the application: Write the below code in the terminal to run the server:

npm start

Example 1: Below is the code for using the Default Palette colors in Button Component.

import { Button } from '@mui/material';
const DefaultPalette = () => {
    return (
                sx={{ width: '200px', margin: '10px' }}
                variant='contained' color="primary">Primary</Button>
                sx={{ width: '200px', margin: '10px' }}
                variant='contained' color="secondary">Secondary</Button>
                sx={{ width: '200px', margin: '10px' }}
                variant='contained' color="error">Error</Button>
            <br />
                sx={{ width: '200px', margin: '10px' }}
                variant='contained' color="warning">Warning</Button>
                sx={{ width: '200px', margin: '10px' }}
                variant='contained' color="info">Info</Button>
                sx={{ width: '200px', margin: '10px' }}
                variant='contained' color="success">Success</Button>
export default DefaultPalette;


Default Palette Colors

Example 2: Below is the code by using Customized Palette colors in Checkbox component.

import { Checkbox } from '@mui/material';
import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';
import { pink, yellow } from '@mui/material/colors';
const theme = createTheme({
    palette: {
        primary: {
            main: pink[500],
        secondary: {
            main: '#2bbccc',
        success: {
            main: '#000000',
        warning: {
            main: yellow[700],
        info: {
            main: '#6b2bcc',
        error: {
            main: '#69cc2b',
const Customized = () => {
    return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
            <Checkbox defaultChecked color='primary' />
            <Checkbox defaultChecked color="secondary" />
            <Checkbox defaultChecked color="success" />
            <Checkbox defaultChecked color="error" />
            <Checkbox defaultChecked color="info" />
            <Checkbox defaultChecked color="warning" />
export default Customized;


Customized Palette Colors


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