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Python Tweepy – Getting the ID of a status

In this article we will see how we can get the ID of a status. Each status or tweet has a unique ID. The id attribute of the Status object provides us with the ID of the status/tweet.

Identifying the ID in the GUI :

In the above mentioned status, the ID can be found in the URL, the ID here is : 1271031982189879297

In order to get the ID of a status, we have to do the following :

  1. Identify the status ID of the status from the GUI.
  2. Get the Status object of the status using the get_status() method with the status ID.
  3. From this object, fetch the id attribute present in it.

Example 1 : Consider the following status :

We will use the status ID to fetch the status. The status ID of the above mentioned status is 1272771459249844224.

# import the module
import tweepy
# assign the values accordingly
consumer_key = ""
consumer_secret = ""
access_token = ""
access_token_secret = ""
# authorization of consumer key and consumer secret
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
# set access to user's access key and access secret 
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
# calling the api 
api = tweepy.API(auth)
# the ID of the status
id = 1272771459249844224
# fetching the status
status = api.get_status(id)
# fetching the id attribute
id = 
print("The ID of the status is : " + str(id))

Output :

The ID of the status is : 1272771459249844224

Example 2 : Consider the following status :

We will use the status ID to fetch the status. The status ID of the above mentioned status is 1272479136133627905.

# the ID of the status
id = 1272479136133627905
# fetching the status
status = api.get_status(id)
# fetching the id attribute
id = 
print("The ID of the status is : " + str(id))

Output :

The ID of the status is : 1272479136133627905

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