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Python | sympy.randprime() method

With the help of sympy.randprime() method, we can find a random prime number in the range [a, b), where a and b are parameters to the method.

Syntax: randprime(a, b)

a – It denotes the start of the range. It is inclusive.
b – It denotes the end of the range. It is not inclusive.

Returns: Returns a random prime in the given range. If no prime is present in the range then it raises a ValueError.

Example #1:

# import randprime() method from sympy
from sympy import randprime
a = 4
b = 50
# Use randprime() method 
a_randprime_b = randprime(a, b) 
print("A random prime between {} and {} is {}".format(a, b, a_randprime_b))


A random prime between 4 and 50 is 37

Example #2:

# import randprime() method from sympy
from sympy import randprime
a = 60
b = 100
# Use randprime() method 
a_randprime_b = randprime(a, b) 
print("A random prime between {} and {} is {}".format(a, b, a_randprime_b))          


A random prime between 60 and 100 is 79
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