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Python | sympy.primepi() method

With the help of sympy.primepi() method, we can find the number of prime numbers less than or equal to a given number.

Syntax: primepi(n)

n – It denotes the number up to which the count of prime number is calculated.

Returns: Returns the number of prime numbers less than or equal to n.

Example #1:

# import primepi() method from sympy
from sympy import primepi
n = 10
# Use primepi() method 
count_primes = primepi(n) 
print("The number of prime numbers less than or equal to {} is {}".format(n, count_primes))


The number of prime numbers less than or equal to 10 is 4

Example #2:

# import primepi() method from sympy
from sympy import primepi
n = 150
# Use primepi() method 
count_primes = primepi(n) 
print("The number of prime numbers less than or equal to {} is {}".format(n, count_primes))          


The number of prime numbers less than or equal to 150 is 35
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