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Python | Sympy is_tangent() method

In Sympy, the function is_tangent() is used to check whether the given line is tangent to the given circle or not.

Syntax:  Circle().is_tangent(line)

Return: True:if line is tangent to circle, otherwise False.

Example #1:

# import sympy and geometry module
from sympy import * 
from sympy.geometry import * 
x = Point(0, 0)
# making line with given points
l = Line(Point(5, -5), Point(5, 5))
# making circle with Circle() of 
# radius 5 and using is_tangent()
isTangent = Circle(x, 5).is_tangent(l)



Example #2:

# import sympy and geometry module
from sympy import * 
from sympy.geometry import * 
x = Point(0, 0)
y = Point(1, 1)
# making line with given points
l = Line(x, y)
# making circle with Circle() of radius 5 and using is_tangent()
isTangent = Circle(x, 5).is_tangent(l)



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