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Python | sympy.core() method

With the help of sympy.core() method, we can calculate the of a positive integer n. core(n, t) calculates the t-th power free part of n. If n’s prime factorization is :
Syntax: core(n, t=2) Parameter: n – It denotes an integer. t – It denotes an integer(optional). Default for t is 2. Returns: Returns the t-th power free part of n.
Example #1:
# import core() method from sympy
from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import core
n = 24
k = 2
# Use core() method 
core_n_k = core(n, k) 
print("core({}, {}) =  {} ".format(n, k, core_n_k)) 

core(24, 2) =  6 
Example #2:
# import core() method from sympy
from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import core
n = 11**4
k = 3
# Use core() method 
core_n_k = core(n, k) 
print("core({}, {}) =  {} ".format(n, k, core_n_k))

core(14641, 3) =  11 

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