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Python | os.supports_bytes_environ object

OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.
os.supports_bytes_environ object in Python is used to check whether the native OS type of the environment is bytes or not. 
Functionality of some methods and objects like os.getenvb() and os.environb are available in Python only if the value of os.supports_bytes_environ is True.
For example: The native OS type of the environment on Windows is not bytes. So os.supports_bytes_environ is False and hence, os.getenvb() and os.environb are not available on Windows. 

Syntax: os.supports_bytes_environ 
Parameters: This is a non-callable object. Hence, no parameter is required
Return Type: This method returns a Boolean value of class bool. This method returns True if the native OS type of the environment is bytes otherwise returns False. 

Code: use of os.supports_bytes_environ object 

# Python program to explain os.supports_bytes_environ object
# importing os module
import os
# Check whether the native OS
# type of the environment is
# bytes or not
isBytes = os.supports_bytes_environ
# Print the result




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