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Python nonlocal Keyword

Python nonlocal keyword is used to reference a variable in the nearest scope. 

Python nonlocal Keyword Example

 In this example, we demonstrate the working of the nonlocal keyword.

def foo():
    name = "geek" # Our local variable
    def bar():
        nonlocal name          # Reference name in the upper scope
        name = 'GeeksForGeeks' # Overwrite this variable
    # Calling inner function
    # Printing local variable


What is nonlocal keyword in Python

The nonlocal keyword won’t work on local or global variables and therefore must be used to reference variables in another scope except the global and local one. The nonlocal keyword is used in nested functions to reference a variable in the parent function. 

Advantages of nonlocal:

Disadvantages of nonlocal:

Example 1: In this example, we see what happens when we make a nonlocal variable to refer to the global variable.

# Declaring a global variable
global_name = 'geeksforgeeks'
def foo():
    # Defining inner function
    def bar():
        # Declaring nonlocal variable
        nonlocal global_name        # Try to reference global variable
        global_name = 'GeeksForGeeks'# Try to overwrite it
    # Calling inner function


SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'name' found

Example 2: In this example, we will see which variable nonlocal refers to when we have multiple nested functions with variables of the same name.

def foo():
    # Local variable of foo()
    name = "geek"
    # First inner function
    def bar():
        name = "Geek"
        # Second inner function
        def ack():
            nonlocal name # Reference to the next upper variable with this name
            print(name)   # Print the value of the referenced variable
            name = 'GEEK' # Overwrite the referenced variable
        ack() # Calling second inner function
    bar() # Calling first inner function
    print(name) # Printing local variable of bar()



Example 3: In this example, we will build a reusable counter (Just for demonstration purpose

# Our counter function
def counter():
  c = 0 # Local counter variable
  # This function manipulate the
  # local c variable, when called
  def count():
    nonlocal c
    c += 1
    return c
  # Return the count() function to manipulate
  # the local c variable on every call
  return count
# Assign the result of counter() to
# a variable which we use to count up
my_counter = counter()
for i in range(3):
print('End of my_counter')
# Create a new counter
new_counter = counter()
for i in range(3):
print('End of new_counter')


End of my_counter
End of new_counter

Note: Notice how the local c variable keeps alive on every call of our counter variables.

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