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PyQt5 – QDateTimeEdit

QDateTimeEdit allows the user to edit dates by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase and decrease date and time values. The arrow keys can be used to move from section to section within the QDateTimeEdit box. Dates and times appear in accordance with the format set. Below is how the QDateTimeEdit looks like

Example :
A window having a QDateTimeEdit widget and the label and every time the value in date-time widget changes labels will show the current date-time.

Below is the implementation

# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import * 
from PyQt5.QtCore import * 
import sys
class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        # setting title
        self.setWindowTitle("Python ")
        # setting geometry
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 500, 400)
        # calling method
        # showing all the widgets
    # method for components
    def UiComponents(self):
        # creating a QDateTimeEdit widget
        datetime = QDateTimeEdit(self)
        # setting geometry
        datetime.setGeometry(100, 100, 150, 35)
        # creating a label
        label = QLabel("GeeksforGeeks", self)
        # setting geometry to the label
        label.setGeometry(100, 160, 200, 60)
        # making label multi line
        # adding action to the datetime
        datetime.dateTimeChanged.connect(lambda: dt_method())
        # method called by the datetime
        def dt_method():
            # getting current datetime
            value = datetime.dateTime()
            # setting text to the label
            label.setText("Current date time : " + str(value))
# create pyqt5 app
App = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create the instance of our Window
window = Window()
# start the app

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