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Pylatex module in python

Latex : Latex pronounced as “Lay-tech” is a document making system for high-quality documentation. It is mostly used for technical or scientific document preparation but it can be used for almost all forms of publishing. Latex is not a word processor like MS Word or LibreOffice Writer. Instead, Latex encourages authors not to worry about the look of their documents but to concentrate on getting the right content. For example, consider the below document:

This article explains the use of pylatex module
October 2018

To produce this in most word processors, the author would have to decide what layout to use, so would select (suppose) 18pt Helvetica for the title, 12pt Times Roman for the name, and so on. This results into author wasting their time designing the document. Latex is based on the idea that let authors get on with writing the document and leave the designing of the document to document designers. So, in Latex, you would input the above document as:

\title{This article explains use of pylatex module}
\date{October 2018}
   Continue reading

  Layout of a latex document : There are two main parts of a latex document: Preamble :

Body :

  Some features of Latex are: 

  1. Preparing journal articles, technical reports, technical or non-technical books, and also slide presentations.
  2. It provides better control over large documents containing sectioning, references, tables and figures.
  3. It can also be useful for preparing documents containing complex mathematical formulas.
  4. Generation of bibliographies and indexes is automatic in LaTeX.
  5. It also provides multi-lingual typesetting support.
  6. In a latex document we can also add graphics, artwork, and process or spot colour.
  7. Usage of PostScript or metafont fonts is also possible in LaTeX.

  Example of a LaTeX document: Example 1: In this example we form a simple latex in order to form latex, we used simple input format as we used in latex. 

\usepackage[tmargin=1cm, lmargin=10cm]{geometry}%
\section{The regular stuff}%
\label{sec:The regular stuff}%
Some text and some%
\textit{italic text. }%
Also some crazy symbols: \$\&\#\{\}%
\subsection{Incorrect math}%
\label{subsec:Incorrect math}%
2*3 = 22%

Output:   Example 2: In this example we used, label, subsection in order to form a latex. 

\usepackage[tmargin=1cm, lmargin=10cm]{geometry}%
\section{Special features}%
\label{sec:Special features}%
\subsection{Correct matrix equations}%
\label{subsec:Correct matrix equations}%
\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}%
\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}%

Output :   What is Pylatex : PyLaTeX is a Python library for creating and compiling latex documents. The goal of this library is to be easy but is also to provide an extensible interface between Python and latex. Some features of pylatex are:

  Create a Pylatex document :
python -m pip install pylatex
from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection
from pylatex.utils import italic, bold

  Pylatex Example : Code 1: 

# Python program creating a
# small document using pylatex
import numpy as np
# importing from a pylatex module
from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection, Tabular
from pylatex import Math, TikZ, Axis, Plot, Figure, Matrix, Alignat
from pylatex.utils import italic
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
    image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'kitten.jpg')
    geometry_options = {"tmargin": "1cm", "lmargin": "10cm"}
    doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options)
    # creating a pdf with title "the simple stuff"
    with doc.create(Section('The simple stuff')):
        doc.append('Some regular text and some')
        doc.append(italic('italic text. '))
        doc.append('\nAlso some crazy characters: $&#{}')
        with doc.create(Subsection('Math that is incorrect')):
            doc.append(Math(data=['2*3', '=', 9]))
        # creating subsection of a pdf
        with doc.create(Subsection('Table of something')):
            with doc.create(Tabular('rc|cl')) as table:
                table.add_row((1, 2, 3, 4))
                table.add_hline(1, 2)
                table.add_row((4, 5, 6, 7))
     # making a pdf using .generate_pdf
    doc.generate_pdf('full', clean_tex=False)

Output:   Code 2: 

import numpy as np
from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection, Tabular
from pylatex import Math, TikZ, Axis, Plot, Figure, Matrix, Alignat
from pylatex.utils import italic
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
    image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'kitten.jpg')
    geometry_options = {"tmargin": "1cm", "lmargin": "10cm"}
    doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options)
    # making a matrix using numpy module
    a = np.array([[100, 10, 20]]).T
    M = np.matrix([[2, 3, 4],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 0, 2]])
    # creating a title using "the fancy stuff"
    with doc.create(Section('The fancy stuff')):
        with doc.create(Subsection('Correct matrix equations')):
            doc.append(Math(data=[Matrix(M), Matrix(a), '=', Matrix(M * a)]))
        # creating a subsection of pdf
        with doc.create(Subsection('Alignat math environment')):
            with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn:
                agn.append(r'\frac{a}{b} &= 0 \\')
                agn.extend([Matrix(M), Matrix(a), '&=', Matrix(M * a)])
        with doc.create(Subsection('Beautiful graphs')):
            with doc.create(TikZ()):
                plot_options = 'height=4cm, width=6cm, grid=major'
                with doc.create(Axis(options=plot_options)) as plot:
                    plot.append(Plot(name='model', func='-x^5 - 242'))
                    coordinates = [
                        (-4.77778, 2027.60977),
                        (-3.55556, 347.84069),
                        (-2.33333, 22.58953),
                        (-1.11111, -493.50066),
                        (0.11111, 46.66082),
                        (1.33333, -205.56286),
                        (2.55556, -341.40638),
                        (3.77778, -1169.24780),
                        (5.00000, -3269.56775),
                    plot.append(Plot(name='estimate', coordinates=coordinates))
        with doc.create(Subsection('Cute kitten pictures')):
            with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as kitten_pic:
                kitten_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='120px')
                kitten_pic.add_caption('Look it\'s on its back')
    # Creating a pdf
    doc.generate_pdf('full', clean_tex=False)

Output :

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