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Python File Format | .py Extension

What is the .py file?

Py stands for the Python program files. Python is one of the most powerful, and versatile programming languages, Python is easy to learn and is widely used among developers. These days, the Python language is quite well-known. It can be applied to mathematics, web and software development, and system programming.

It is a cross-platform Programming language. We can use it to run on various operating systems including Windows, MAC, Linux, Raspberry Pi, and others. Python is like English and that is easy to understand. A few lines of Python code can be used by developers to create a workable software application. It is ideal for prototyping since it is an interpreter-based programming language that allows code to be executed immediately upon writing.

Example of the code

# Python code to calculate the factorial of a number 
def calculate_factorial(number): 
    if number == 0 or number == 1: 
        return 1
        return number * calculate_factorial(number - 1) 
# Prompt the user for a number 
user_number = int(input("Enter a non-negative integer: ")) 
# Check if the user entered a non-negative integer 
if user_number >= 0: 
    # Calculate the factorial using the function 
    result = calculate_factorial(user_number) 
    # Display the result 
    print(f"The factorial of {user_number} is: {result}") 
    # Handle the case where the user didn't enter a non-negative integer 
    print("Invalid input. Please enter a non-negative integer.") 



The factorial of 5 is: 120

Features of Python

Application of the python

How to use the .py file

Advantages of Python

Disadvantages of Python


Python is more popular and demanding than other programming languages for a variety of reasons. We've covered all of the points that any beginner learning Python should be aware of. If you want to be a Python developer, you should learn Python thoroughly and work to grasp more advanced concepts.


Q1. What are Some of the Most Popular Python Libraries?

Ans: NumPy, Pandas, Django and more are some python libraries used by the developer to develop different type of application.

Q2. Why is Python Used for Data Science?

Ans: Python is used for the data science because the language is readable and scalable also it provide the rich ecosystem of the libraries.

Q3. What type of language is Python?

Ans: Python is high level language that support the concept of the object oriented language.

Q4. What is a list in Python?

Ans: It is a mutable or changeable data structure to store elements in ordered way.

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