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PTC Inc. Interview Experience for Software Technical Lead

Round-1 (Technical Paper round)

Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice from sites like GeeksforGeeks, Indiabix, etc. as it will give the confidence to solve problems. Also, checkout videos on Youtube to learn interview etiquettes, like how to listen and calmly answer questions etc.

Tip: There is a time limit for attempting the question paper. Hence decide maximum time to be spent on a question and if a question seems tough then skip it and move on.

Round-2 (Technical Interview Round)

Round-3 (Managerial)

If you cleared the technical round, the last round would be with team manager where he would try to determine if you are fit for the team and would stay for a longer period of time with the company. They will ask questions about your accommodation, your commute to office, your future plans with respect to career etc.

Round-4 (HR round)

In this round HR would ask queries regarding your notice period with existing company, your current and expected CTC along with your reason and willingness to move across companies. They will try to negotiate on your expected CTC.

On difficulty level, I would rate this interview as 3 out of 5 for someone with 5-8 years of experience.

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