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Project Idea | Personality Analysis using hashtags from tweets

The project is based on the concept of analyzing the personality of an individual, and plotting the sentiments of tweets according to user/community location.Our application would consider the actual mentality of the individuals along with the situation and topic and assess their personality accordingly.

Conceptual Framework
Our approach and idea goes through with the segregation of hash-tags from the tweets. The hashtags provide us with the topic about which the user has voiced his opinion. Analysis of hashtag is conducted in a way where a set of recent tweets containing the hash-tag term are collected, and the polarity of those tweets containing the term is analysed whether people have a positive, negative or neutral opinion about it. The second part is analysis of remaining text and finding the polarity of the tweet whether it is positive, negative or neutral. Along with the text if tweet contains any emoticons, the polarity of the emoticon is calculated using non-bmp map. Users can easily analyse their personality using their Twitter handle and also on any specific topic.

Data structures and Algorithms
Polarity of hash-tag tweets and polarity of the tweet of the user along with some other parameters led to formation of 8 personality traits :

The score for each of the above categories is calculated for a twitter user. The algorithm combines the polarity of topic or hash-tag with the polarity of tweet which is bound to produce better and more accurate results as the user behaviour is genuine and transparent. The first 50 tweets of the user are fetched and corresponding to each tweet a thread is created. Parallel execution of thread is implemented so as to reduce the execution time which is an important aspect of our project.

Tools Used:
1. Python
2. Django
3. Tweepy
4. TextBlob
5. GingerIt

1.The target audience varies from children to senior citizens who wish to know about people’s personality, response and review about any topic.
2. The software can be used for people working in HR department of their offices in analyzing the personality of an applicant whether the applicant’s personality is suitable or not.
3. It can also be useful for people involved in politics as it would help them keep track of what people think about their decisions and actions.
4. People in the business field could be provided with customer reviews.

This idea is contributed by Swati Chauhan and Rishabh Jain.

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