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PostgreSQL – Drop Procedure

In PostgreSQL, the drop procedure statement removes a stored procedure.

drop procedure [if exists] procedure_name (argument_list)
[cascade | restrict]

Let’s analyze the above syntax:

To drop multiple stored procedures, you specify a comma-list of stored procedure names after the drop procedure keyword like this:

drop procedure [if exists] name1, name2, ...;

For the sake of example, we will create a stored procedure on the sample database ie, dvdrental.

Let’s create a couple of stored procedures that manage actors so that you can learn how to drop them:

The following insert_actor() stored procedure inserts a new row into the actor table. It accepts two arguments which are the first name and last name of the actor.

create or replace procedure insert_actor(
    fname varchar, 
    lname varchar)
language plpgsql    
as $$
    insert into actor(first_name, last_name)
    values('John', 'Doe');

The following insert_actor stored procedure also inserts a row into the actor table. However, it accepts one argument which is the full name of the actor. The insert_actor() uses the split_part() function to split the full name into first name and last name before inserting them into the actor table.

create or replace procedure insert_actor(
    full_name varchar
language plpgsql    
as $$
    fname varchar;
    lname varchar;
    -- split the fullname into first & last name
        split_part(full_name, ' ', 1),
        split_part(full_name, ' ', 2)
    into fname,
    -- insert first & last name into the actor table
    insert into actor(first_name, last_name)
    values('John', 'Doe');

The following stored procedure deletes an actor by id:

create or replace procedure delete_actor(
    p_actor_id int
language plpgsql
as $$
    delete from actor 
    where actor_id = p_actor_id;

And the following stored procedure updates the first name and last name of an actor:

create or replace procedure update_actor(
    p_actor_id int,
    fname varchar,
    lname varchar
language plpgsql
as $$
    update actor 
    set first_name = fname,
        last_name = lname
    where actor_id = p_actor_id;


First, attempt to drop the insert_actor stored procedure:

drop procedure insert_actor;


Because there are two insert_actor stored procedures, you need to specify the argument list so that PostgreSQL can select the right stored procedure to drop.

Second, drop the insert_actor(varchar) stored procedure that accepts one argument:

drop procedure insert_actor(varchar);

Since the insert_actor stored procedure is unique now, you can drop it without specifying the argument list:

drop procedure insert_actor;

It is the same as:

drop procedure insert_actor(varchar, varchar);

Third, drop two stored procedures using a single drop procedure statement:

drop procedure 


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