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In PostgreSQL a tablespace is used to map a logical name to a physical location on disk. In the simplest word, we can understand tablespace as a location on the disk where all database objects of PostgreSQL are stored. These objects can be an index or a table etc.

PostgreSQL has two default tablespaces:

Tablespaces in general are used to manage and control the disk layout of PostgreSQL. There are two main advantages of using tablespaces:

CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name
OWNER user_name
LOCATION directory_path;

It is also important to note that the name of the tablespace must not start with pg_, as these are reserved for the system tablespaces.


The following statement uses the CREATE TABLESPACE to create a new tablespace called gfg with the physical location c:\data\gfg.

LOCATION 'C:\data\gfg';

To list all tablespaces in the current PostgreSQL database server, the following command can be used:



The below command shows more information such as size and access privileges:


The result will be similar to the image depicted below:

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