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PostgreSQL – Continue

In PostgreSQL ,The continue statement is used to skip the current iteration prematurely and directly move on to the next iteration. The continue statement is used in conjecture with all types of loops including unconditional loops, while loops and for loops.


CONTINUE [ label ] [ WHEN boolean-expression ];

If we analyze the above syntax:

Both the label and WHEN condition is optional and may or may not be used with the continue statement;

Example 1 : 

The following example will be used to display the even numbers from 1 to 10.

  cnt int = 0;
 -- increment of cnt
    cnt = cnt + 1;
 -- exit the loop if cnt > 10
 exit when cnt > 10;
 -- skip the iteration if cnt is an odd number
 continue when mod(cnt,2) = 1;
 -- print out the cnt
 raise notice '%', cnt;
 end loop;


In the above example, we use the continue statement to skip the odd numbers by using the fact that the remainder when an odd number is divided by 2 is 1.  

Example 2 :

The following example will be used to display all numbers from 1 to 10 without displaying the number 6.

  cnt int = 0;
 -- increment of cnt
    cnt = cnt + 1;
 -- exit the loop if cnt > 10
 exit when cnt > 10;
 -- skip the iteration if cnt is an odd number
 continue when cnt = 6;
 -- print out the cnt
 raise notice '%', cnt;
 end loop;


In the above example, we use the continue statement to skip the iteration when the value of the cnt variable reaches 6.

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