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Portmanteaus Words: Meaning, Exmples List

Portmanteaus: Words that are portmanteaus are the ones that are formed after combining two words together. Portmanteau’s words sound and mean the same way as the original words do. In our vocabulary, we usually come across many such Portmanteau words.

In this article, we have covered the Meaning of Portmanteau words along with a list of Categories-wise examples and many more.

Let’s dive right in.

Portmanteaus Words Meaning

A portmanteau word is made by combining mostly two words. The new word which is formed is a combination of the original words and carries the same meaning and sound as the original words.

The first part of one word and the second half of another word are used to form a new word, which is the Portmanteau Word. There are also some cases, when the initial parts of two words are combined to form a new Portmanteau word.

Examples of Portmanteaus

Portmanteaus add a playful and inventive dimension to language. Here are some examples across various domains:

Category Portmanteau (Meaning) Description
Food Brunch (Breakfast + Lunch) A meal is typically eaten late in the morning, combining elements of both breakfast and lunch.
Spork (Spoon + Fork) A utensil combining the features of both a spoon and a fork.
Cronut (Croissant + Donut) A pastry made from a combination of croissant and donut dough, often filled or glazed.
Turducken (Turkey + Duck + Chicken) A dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, then stuffed into a turkey.
Technology Podcast (iPod + Broadcast) A digital audio or video file or recording, typically part of a themed series, available online.
Blog (Web + Log) A website containing posts or entries typically displayed in reverse chronological order.
Cyberspace (Cybernetics + Space) The virtual environment created by interconnected computer systems.
Smartphone (Smart + Phone) A mobile phone with advanced capabilities beyond basic telephony.
Entertainment Mockumentary (Mock + Documentary) A fictional story presented in the style of a documentary film.
Sitcom (Situation + Comedy) A television series featuring humorous situations.
Biopic (Biography + Picture) A film that dramatizes the life of a real person.
Spanglish (Spanish + English) A hybrid language combining elements of Spanish and English.
Health Brinner (Breakfast + Dinner) A meal that combines breakfast foods with those typically served at dinner.
Hangry (Hungry + Angry) Irritable or grumpy due to hunger.
Frappuccino (Frappe + Cappuccino) A cold, blended coffee beverage typically containing milk, ice, and sweeteners.
Yogalates (Yoga + Pilates) A fitness program combining elements of yoga and Pilates.
Miscellaneous Smog (Smoke + Fog) Air pollution consisting of a mixture of smoke and fog.
Staycation (Stay + Vacation) A holiday spent in one’s home country rather than abroad.
Workaholic (Work + Alcoholic) A person who compulsively works excessively hard and long hours.
Sexting (Sex + Texting) Sending sexually explicit messages or images via text message.
Motel (Motor + Hotel) A hotel designed for motorists, typically with parking near the rooms.

These examples illustrate how portmanteaus creatively blend words to succinctly convey new ideas or concepts.

Function of a Portmanteau

The function of a portmanteau in language is primarily twofold: efficiency and creativity.

Commonly Used Portmanteau Words

Portmanteau words demonstrate the versatility and creativity of language, as well as its ability to adapt and evolve to reflect changing social, cultural, and technological contexts.

Given below in the table is a list of 50 portmanteau words that are commonly used along with their meanings:

Portmanteau Words & their Meanings

Portmanteau Word


1. Brunch [Breakfast + Lunch]

A late morning meal typically enjoyed between breakfast and lunch hours.

2. Smog [Smoke + Fog]

Air pollution consisting of a mixture of smoke and fog.

3. Spork [Spoon + Fork]

A hybrid utensil combining the features of a spoon and a fork.

4. Blog [Web + Log]

A website or online platform where individuals or groups share information, opinions, or experiences.

5. Podcast

[iPod + Broadcast]

A digital audio or video file available for streaming or download over the internet.

6. Bollywood

[Bombay + Hollywood]

The Indian film industry, centered in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), known for its Hindi-language films.

7. Motel [Motor + Hotel]

A hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically located near a highway or major road.

8. Brangelina

[Brad + Angelina]

A celebrity couple name combining the names Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

9. Chillax [Chill + Relax]

To calm down or unwind in a relaxed manner.

10. Ginormous

[Gigantic + Enormous]

Extremely large or huge in size.

11. Cosplay [Costume + Play]

The practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially for events or conventions.

12. Hangry [Hungry + Angry]

Irritable or short-tempered due to hunger.

13. Infomercial

[Information + Commercial]

A television program that presents information or demonstrations about a product, often with the intention of selling it.

14. Guesstimate [Guess + Estimate]

An approximate calculation or estimation based on limited information.

15. Frenemy [Friend + Enemy]

A person with whom one maintains a friendly relationship despite underlying competition or conflict.

16. Edutainment [Education + Entertainment]

Media or content that combines educational elements with entertainment, often used for learning purposes.

17. Mockumentary [Mock + Documentary]

A fictional film or television program presented in the style of a documentary.

18. Staycation [Stay + Vacation]

A holiday spent at home or nearby, often involving leisure activities within one’s own city or region.

19. Electrocute [Electric + Execute]

To injure or kill someone by electric shock.

20. Workaholic [Work + Alcoholic]

A person who is addicted to working and has a compulsive need to work excessively.

21. Infotainment

[Information + Entertainment]

Media content that combines informative or educational elements with entertainment.

22. Sexting [Sex + Texting]

Sending sexually explicit messages, images, or videos via text message.

23. Brangelina [Brad + Angelina]

A celebrity couple name combining the names Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

24. Breathalyzer [Breath + Analyzer]

A device used by law enforcement to measure a person’s blood alcohol content by analyzing their breath.

25. Cyborg [Cybernetic + Organism]

A fictional or hypothetical being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts.

26. Telethon [Television + Marathon]

A television program or event lasting several hours, often aimed at raising money for charity through donations.

27. Biopic [Biography + Picture]

A film or television program that depicts the life of a real person, usually a famous figure or celebrity.

28. Mancave [Man + Cave]

A designated space or room in a home, typically decorated and furnished to suit the preferences of a man.

29. Docudrama [Documentary + Drama]

A film or television program that combines elements of documentary and drama genres.

30. Webinar [Web + Seminar]

A seminar, lecture, or workshop conducted over the internet.

31. Affluenza [Affluence + Influenza]

A term used to describe a negative psychological or social impact resulting from the pursuit of wealth and material possessions.

32. Labradoodle [Labrador + Poodle]

A crossbreed dog resulting from the mating of a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle.

33. Brunch [Breakfast + Lunch]

A late morning meal typically enjoyed between breakfast and lunch hours.

34. Glamping [Glamorous + Camping]

Camping that involves luxurious accommodations and amenities, often in a natural outdoor setting.

35. Mocktail [Mock + Cocktail]

A non-alcoholic beverage designed to resemble a cocktail in appearance or flavor.

36. Phablet [Phone + Tablet]

A smartphone with a screen size larger than typical smartphones but smaller than tablets.

37. Oxymoron [Oxygen + Moron]

A figure of speech that combines contradictory terms, such as “jumbo shrimp” or “deafening silence.”

38. Spanglish [Spanish + English]

A hybrid language or dialect that blends elements of Spanish and English, commonly spoken in bilingual communities.

39. Chillax [Chill + Relax]

To calm down or unwind in a relaxed manner.

40. Voicemail [Voice + Mail]

A recorded message left by a caller when the intended recipient is unavailable to answer the phone.

41. Staycation [Stay + Vacation]

A holiday spent at home or nearby, often involving leisure activities within one’s own city or region.

42. Carjacking [Car + Hijacking]

The theft of a vehicle by force or threat of violence against the driver or passengers.

43. Mocktail [Mock + Cocktail]

A non-alcoholic beverage designed to resemble a cocktail in appearance or flavor.

44. Phablet [Phone + Tablet]

A smartphone with a screen size larger than typical smartphones but smaller than tablets.

45. Cyborg [Cybernetic + Organism]

A fictional or hypothetical being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts.

46. Brangelina [Brad + Angelina]

A celebrity couple name combining the names Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

47. Cosplay [Costume + Play]

The practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially for events or conventions.

48. Labradoodle [Labrador + Poodle]

A crossbreed dog resulting from the mating of a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle.

49. Infomercial

[Information + Commercial]

A television program that presents information or demonstrations about a product, often with the intention of selling it.

50. Telethon [Television + Marathon]

A television program or event lasting several hours, often aimed at raising money for charity through donations.

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FAQs on Portmanteaus Words

Why is it called a Portmanteau?

The French word Portmanteau means a two-part suitcase, it is a combination of two words porte, meaning “to carry,” and manteau, meaning “cloak.” Just like the suitcase having two halves in which things can be kept, a Portmanteau word carries the meaning of two or more words.

What are some other words for Portmanteaus?

A portmanteau is a type of literary device. Often it is mistaken for a compound word but it is linguistically different from it. As Portmanteaus words don’t combine two complete words (like “firefighter”). They actually bring in parts of two distinct words, to form a new word.

What is 2 words put together called?

Two words put together to form a new word, carrying the same meaning and sound like the original two words is called a Portmanteau.

How to pronounce Portmanteau?

“Portmanteau” is pronounced as por-tman-toh. Here’s a breakdown of the syllables:What are Portmanteau Synonym?

  • “Por” sounds like “pore” but with a slight ‘t’ sound at the end.
  • “tman” sounds like “tuh-man” with a soft ‘t’ and ‘man’ pronounced as in the word “man.”
  • “toh” sounds like “toe” with an ‘oh’ sound at the end.

So when you put it all together, it’s “por-tman-toh.”

What are Portmanteau etymology?

“Portmanteau” comes from French, meaning a suitcase with two compartments. In linguistics, it refers to blending two words into one.

What are the actual meaning of Portmanteau?

The original meaning of “portmanteau” is a large suitcase with two compartments. In linguistics, it refers to blending the sounds and meanings of two words to create a new one.

What is actually Portmanteau in a sentence?

A portmanteau is a linguistic blend, like “brunch” for “breakfast” and “lunch,” combining elements of both words into a single term.

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