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Polygon Mesh in Computer Graphics

A polygon mesh is a type of computer graphics technique used for creating 3D models. It is a collection of vertices, edges and faces that define the shape and surface of a 3D object. It is often used in computer games, animation, virtual reality, and computer-aided design (CAD).  

Polygon Mesh

A polygon mesh is a mathematical representation of a 3D object. It is composed of a set of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape of the object. A vertex is a single point in 3D space, an edge is a line connecting two vertices, and a face is a closed loop of edges. The faces are usually triangles or quadrilaterals, and can be used to represent curved surfaces or other complex shapes.

Representation ways of Polygon Mesh

Polygon Mesh method basically used to represent a broad class of surfaces or solids in computer graphics. It is possible to render a polygonal mesh by applying the hidden surface removal methods as per requirement. So, the polygon mesh can be represented by three ways which are:

Uses of Polygon Mesh





Polygon mesh is a versatile technique for creating 3D models. It is composed of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape of an object. It is lightweight, efficient, and widely supported, making it ideal for real-time applications such as computer games and animation. It has some drawbacks, such as its limited ability to represent curved surfaces, but these can be overcome with careful modeling. Polygon mesh is used in a variety of applications, including computer games, animation, virtual reality, CAD, and medical imaging.

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