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PHP trait_exists() Function

PHP implements a way to reuse code called Traits. The trait_exists() function in PHP is an inbuilt function that is used to check whether a trait exists or not. This function accepts the traitname and autoload as parameters and returns true if trait exists, false if not, null in case of an error.

Syntax :

trait_exists ( string $traitname , bool $autoload = ? ) : bool

Parameters: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below.

Return Value:

Example 1:

// Created trait Programming
trait Programming
    // Declared static instance
    private static $instance;
    protected $temp;
   // Defining static function in trait to Reuse
    public static function Designing()
        self::$instance = new static();
        // Magic constant __TRAIT__ in PHP
        // It gets the class name for the static method called.
        self::$instance->temp = get_called_class().' '.__TRAIT__;
        return self::$instance;
// Checking if 'Programming' Trait exists
if ( trait_exists( 'Programming' ) ) 
    class Initializing 
        // Reusing trait 'Programming'
        use Programming;
        public function text( $strParam )
            return $this->temp.$strParam;
echo Initializing::Designing()->text('!!!');


Initializing Programming!!!

Example 2: 

// Creating Base class
class Base 
    public function callBase()
        echo 'This is base function!'."<br>";
// Creating Trait
trait myTrait {
    public function callBase() 
         echo 'This is trait function!'."<br>";
// Using myTrait
class myClass extends Base 
    use myTrait;
$myObject = new myClass();
// Checking if trait exists
if(trait_exists( "myTrait"))
    echo "\n myTrait exists! \n";
  echo "\n myTrait does not exists! \n";


This is base function!
This is trait function!
myTrait exists!

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