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PHP | timezone_name_get() Function

The timezone_name_get() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the name of the timezone. The date time object is sent as a parameter to the timezone_name_get() function and it returns the name of the timezone on success or False on failure.


string timezone_name_get( $object )

Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $object which is mandatory. It is used to specifies the DateTimeZone object.

Return Value: This function returns the name of the timezone on success or False on failure.

Exceptions: The timezone_name_get() function is an alias of DateTimeZone::getName() function.

Below programs illustrate the timezone_name_get() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Opening the timezone of America/Chicago
$timezone = timezone_open("America/Chicago");
// Displaying the name of the timezone
echo ("The name of the timezone is " . timezone_name_get($timezone));

The name of the timezone is America/Chicago

Program 2:

// Opening the default timezone
echo ("Default time zone is " . date_default_timezone_get());
echo "\n";
// Declaring a new timezone
$new_timezone = 'America/Chicago';
if( date_default_timezone_set( $new_timezone) )
  echo "New time zone is ". date_default_timezone_get();

Default time zone is UTC
New time zone is America/Chicago

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