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PHP stripcslashes() Function

The stripcslashes() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to remove backslashes that were added to escape certain characters in a string. It reverses the effect of the addslashes() function. It recognizes the C-language characters, like \n, \r …, octal and hexadecimal representations.


stripcslashes(string $string): string;


This function accepts only single parameter which is described below:

Return Value

The stripcslashes() function returns the escaped string from the unescaped string.

Program 1: The following program demonstrates the stripcslashes() Function.

      "This is an example with \\'escaped\\' characters.";
$original_string = stripcslashes($escaped_string);
echo "Escaped String: $escaped_string<br>.\n";
echo "Original String: $original_string";

Escaped String: This is an example with \'escaped\' characters.<br>.
Original String: This is an example with 'escaped' characters.

Program 2: The following is another program that demonstrates the stripcslashes() Function.

      "This is an example with \\'escaped\\' characters.";
$original_string = stripcslashes($escaped_string);
if ($escaped_string === $original_string) {
    "String was not escaped: $original_string";
} else {
    "String was escaped and then unescaped: $original_string";

String was escaped and then unescaped: This is an example with 'escaped' characters.


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