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PHP | Reflection getModifiers() Function

The Reflection::getModifiers() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return an array of the specified modifier names.


int Reflection::getModifiers( void )

Parameters: This function does not accept any parameters.

Return Value: This function returns a bitfield of the access modifiers for the specified class.

Below programs illustrate the Reflection::getModifiers() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Declaring a class Testing
class Testing { 
    // Calling a function GeeksforGeeks() with
    // two modifier named as public and static
    public static function GeeksforGeeks()
// ReflectionMethod is called on the class Testing and
// their member as function GeeksforGeeks()
$GeeksforGeeks = new ReflectionMethod('Testing', 'GeeksforGeeks');
// Calling the getModifiers() function and printing
// an array of modifiers
echo implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames(

public static

Program 2:

// Declaring a class Departments
class Departments { 
    // Calling some function with
    // different modifiers
    public function IT() {
    final public function CSE() {
    private function ECE() {
// ReflectionMethod is called on the above class
// with their members
$A = new ReflectionMethod('Departments', 'IT');
$B = new ReflectionMethod('Departments', 'CSE');
$C = new ReflectionMethod('Departments', 'ECE');
// Calling the getModifiers() function and printing
// an array of modifiers
echo implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames(
                  $A->getModifiers())). "\n";
echo implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames(
                  $B->getModifiers())). "\n";
echo implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames(
                  $C->getModifiers())). "\n";

final public


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