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PHP imap_base64() Function

The imap_base64() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to decode the base64 encoded text.


imap_base64(string $string)

Parameters: This function accepts only one parameter which is described below.

Return Values: The imap_base64() function returns the decoded string if this function successfully executes otherwise this function will return “false”.

Program 1: The following program demonstrates the imap_base64() function.

Note: Before using this function, check if this function is available in your environment or not. If not then type this command

apt-get install php-imap


For installation, please refer to the following also.

Program 1:

$string = "RGVjb2RlIHRoaXMgc2ltcGxlIHN0cmluZw==";
$decodestring = imap_base64($string);
echo "Decoded Data: $decodestring" . PHP_EOL;


Decoded Data: Decode this simple string

Program 2: The following program demonstrates the imap_base64() function.

$string = "RGVjb2RlIHRoaXMgc2ltcGxlIHN0cmluZw==";
$string2 = "aGV5IGJ1ZGR5IAo=";
if (imap_base64($string) == imap_base64($string2)) {
    echo "Both strings are equal";
} else {
    echo "Both strings are not equal";


Both strings are not equal                                                                                                                                                                      


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