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PHP | ftp_mkdir() function

The ftp_mkdir() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to create a new directory on the ftp server. Once the directory is created cannot be created again. Creating a directory that already exists will produce error. 

string ftp_mkdir( $ftp_connection, $directory_name )

Parameter: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:  

If child directory is to be created in an existing or non-existing directory then the $directory_name parameter to be set in the format “(parent directory name)/(child directory name)/(child of child directory name)/…” so on. For example, create a directory named as childdirectory inside testdirectory then $directory_name = “testdirectory/childdirectory”;
Return Value: It returns the name of the directory that created on success, False on failure. 

Example 1:  

// Connecting to ftp server
// Use ftp server address
$fserver = "";
// Use ftp username
// Use ftp password
// Connect to the ftp server
$f_conn = ftp_connect($fserver) or
    die("Could not connect to $fserver");
// Authenticating to ftp server    
$login = ftp_login($f_conn, $fuser, $fpass);
// Directory name which is to be created
$dir = "testdirectory";
// Creating directory
if (ftp_mkdir($f_conn, $dir)) {
    // Execute if directory created successfully
    echo " $dir Successfully created";
else {
    // Execute if fails to create directory
    echo "Error while creating $dir";
// Closing ftp connection


testdirectory Successfully created


Example 2: In case of child directory to be created then everything is same as before except $dir i.e. directory name. 

//Connecting to ftp server
// Use ftp server address
$fserver = "";
// Use ftp username
// Use ftp password
// Connecting to ftp server
$f_conn = ftp_connect($fserver) or
        die("Could not connect to $fserver");
// Authenticating to ftp server        
$login = ftp_login($f_conn, $fuser, $fpass);
// Directory name which is to be created
$dir = "testdirectory/childdirectory";
// Creating directory
if (ftp_mkdir($f_conn, $dir)) {
    // Execute if directory created successfully
    echo " $dir Successfully created";
else {
    // Execute if fails to create directory
    echo "Error while creating $dir";
// Closing ftp connection


testdirectory/childdirectory Successfully created


Note: If directory name already exist then it produce error.

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