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Perl | Modules

A module in Perl is a collection of related subroutines and variables that perform a set of programming tasks. Perl Modules are reusable. Various Perl modules are available on the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). These modules cover a wide range of categories such as network, CGI, XML processing, databases interfacing, etc.

Creating a Perl Module

A modules name must be same as to the name of the Package and should end with .pm extension.

Example :

package Calculator;
# Defining sub-routine for Multiplication
sub multiplication
    # Initializing Variables a & b
    $a = $_[0];
    $b = $_[1];
    # Performing the operation
    $a = $a * $b;
    # Function to print the Sum
    print "\n***Multiplication is $a";
# Defining sub-routine for Division
sub division
    # Initializing Variables a & b
    $a = $_[0];
    $b = $_[1];
    # Performing the operation
    $a = $a / $b;
    # Function to print the answer
    print "\n***Division is $a";

Here, the name of the file is “” stored in the directory Calculator. Notice that 1; is written at the end of the code to return a true value to the interpreter. Perl accepts anything which is true instead of 1

Importing and using a Perl Module

To import this calculator module, we use require or use functions. To access a function or a variable from a module, :: is used. Here is an example demonstrating the same:


# Using the Package 'Calculator'
use Calculator;
print "Enter two numbers to multiply";
# Defining values to the variables
$a = 5;
$b = 10;
# Subroutine call
Calculator::multiplication($a, $b);
print "\nEnter two numbers to divide";
# Defining values to the variables
$a = 45;
$b = 5;
# Subroutine call
Calculator::division($a, $b);


Using Variables from modules

Variables from different packages can be used by declaring them before using. Following example demonstrates this

package Message;
# Variable Creation
# Defining subroutine
sub Hello
  print "Hello $username\n";

Perl file to access the module is as below

# Using package
use Message;
# Defining value to variable
$Message::username = "Geeks";
# Subroutine call


Using Pre-defined Modules

Perl provides various pre-defined modules which can be used in the Perl programs anytime.
Such as: ‘strict’, ‘warnings’, etc.


use strict;
use warnings;
print" Hello This program uses Pre-defined Modules";


Hello This program uses Pre-defined Modules

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