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Paytm Interview Experience for SDE

For the screening test Paytm conducted a 1-hour coding round on Hackerank. There were 2 questions :

Problem 1. There are N tasks and two interns, if intern 1 completes the i_th task he gets the reward reward1[I], and if the 2nd intern completes the task he gets reaward2[i].  They can pick tasks in any order but intern 1 can only do K tasks rest of the N-K tasks has to be done by intern 2. Find the maximum collective reward they can get by completing these tasks.


N: integer
reward1: array of length N
reward2: array of length N
K: number of tasks intern1 can do



Solution: Max reward that can be collected is 17. Intern 1 does tasks 1,2 and 3 and intern 2 do 4 and 5 in order to collect max reward.

Problem 2: Given an array arr find out all the unique pairs (arr[I], arr[j]) from an array satisfying the following relation:

| arr[i]+arr[j] | + | arr[i]-arr[j] |=K
arr: an array containing N integers 
K: integer 
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