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Palindromic Selfie Numbers

Given a number x, find it’s palindromic selfie number according to selfie multiplicative rule. If such a number doesn’t exist, then print “No such number exists”. 
A Palindromic selfie number satisfies the selfie multiplicative rule such that there exists another number y with x * reverse_digits_of(x) = y * reverse_digits_of(y), with the condition that the number y is obtained by some ordering of the digits in x, i.e x and y should have same digits with different order.
Examples : 

Input : 1224
Output : 2142
Explanation :
Because, 1224 X 4221 = 2142 X 2412
And all digits of 2142 are formed by a different 
permutation of the digits in 1224
(Note: The valid output is either be 2142 or 2412)

Input : 13452
Output : 14532
Explanation :
Because, 13452 X 25431 = 14532 X 23541
And all digits of 14532 are formed by a different 
permutation of the digits in 13452

Input : 12345
Output : No such number exists
Explanation :
Because, with no combination of digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
could we get a number that satisfies 
12345 X 54321 = number X reverse_of_its_digits


Approach : 

 LHS = current_number X palindrome(current_number) 

Below is implementation of above approach : 

// C++ program to find palindromic selfie numbers
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class palindrome_selfie {
  // To store all permutations of digits in the number
  set<int> all_permutes;
  int number; // input number
  palindrome_selfie(int num) { number = num; }
  // Function to reverse the digits of a number
  int palindrome(int num)
    int reversednum = 0;
    int d;
    while (num > 0) {
      d = num % 10; // Extract last digit
      // Append it at the beg
      reversednum = reversednum * 10 + d;
      num = num / 10; // Reduce number until 0
    return reversednum;
  // Function that swaps the digits i and j in the num
  int swap(int num, int i, int j)
    char temp;
    string charArray = to_string(num);
    // Swap the ith and jth character
    temp = charArray[i];
    charArray[i] = charArray[j];
    charArray[j] = temp;
    // Convert back to int and return
    return stoi(charArray);
  // Function to get all possible permutations
  // of the digits in num
  void permute(int num, int l, int r)
    // Adds the new permutation obtained in the set
    if (l == r)
    else {
      for (int i = l; i <= r; i++) {
        // Swap digits to get a different ordering
        num = swap(num, l, i);
        // Recurse to next pair of digits
        permute(num, l + 1, r);
        num = swap(num, l, i); // Swap back
  // Function to check palindromic selfie
  void palin_selfie()
    // Length of the number required for
    // calculating all permutations of the digits
    int l = to_string(number).length() - 1;
    permute(number, 0, l); // Calculate all permutations
    /* Remove the number and its palindrome from
           the obtained set as this is the LHS of
           multiplicative equality */
    auto n1 = all_permutes.find(palindrome(number));
    auto n2 = all_permutes.find(number);
    bool flag = false; // Denotes the status result
    // Iterate over all other numbers
    for (auto it : all_permutes) {
      int number2 = it;
      // Check for equality x*palin(x) = y*palin(y)
      if (number * palindrome(number)
          == number2 * palindrome(number2)) {
        cout << "Palindrome multiplicative"
          << "selfie of " << number
          << " is  : " << number2 << endl;
        flag = true; // Answer found
    // If no such number found
    if (flag == false) {
      cout << "Given number has no palindrome selfie."
        << endl;
// Driver Function
int main()
  // First example, input = 145572
  palindrome_selfie example1(145572);
  // Second example, input = 19362
  palindrome_selfie example2(19362);
  // Third example, input = 4669
  palindrome_selfie example3(4669);
  return 0;
// This code is contributed by phasing17

// Java program to find palindromic selfie numbers
import java.util.*;
public class palindrome_selfie {
    // To store all permutations of digits in the number
    Set<Integer> all_permutes = new HashSet<Integer>();
    int number; // input number
    public palindrome_selfie(int num)
        number = num;
    // Function to reverse the digits of a number
    public int palindrome(int num)
        int reversednum = 0;
        int d;
        while (num > 0) {
            d = num % 10; // Extract last digit
            // Append it at the beg
            reversednum = reversednum * 10 + d;
            num = num / 10// Reduce number until 0
        return reversednum;
    // Function to check palindromic selfie
    public void palin_selfie()
        // Length of the number required for
        // calculating all permutations of the digits
        int l = String.valueOf(number).length() - 1;
        this.permute(number, 0, l); // Calculate all permutations
        /* Remove the number and its palindrome from
           the obtained set as this is the LHS of
           multiplicative equality */
        boolean flag = false; // Denotes the status result
        // Iterate over all other numbers
        Iterator it = all_permutes.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            int number2 = (int);
            // Check for equality x*palin(x) = y*palin(y)
            if (number * palindrome(number) ==
                         number2 * palindrome(number2)) {
                System.out.println("Palindrome multiplicative" +
                                    "selfie of "+ number + " is  : "
                                     + number2);
                flag = true; // Answer found
        // If no such number found
        if (flag == false) {
            System.out.println("Given number has no palindrome selfie.");
    // Function to get all possible permutations
    // of the digits in num
    public void permute(int num, int l, int r)
        // Adds the new permutation obtained in the set
        if (l == r)
        else {
            for (int i = l; i <= r; i++) {
                // Swap digits to get a different ordering
                num = swap(num, l, i);
                // Recurse to next pair of digits
                permute(num, l + 1, r);
                num = swap(num, l, i); // Swap back
    // Function that swaps the digits i and j in the num
    public int swap(int num, int i, int j)
        char temp;
        // Convert int to char array
        char[] charArray = String.valueOf(num).toCharArray();
        // Swap the ith and jth character
        temp = charArray[i];
        charArray[i] = charArray[j];
        charArray[j] = temp;
        // Convert back to int and return
        return Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(charArray));
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String args[])
        // First example, input = 145572
        palindrome_selfie example1 = new palindrome_selfie(145572);
        // Second example, input = 19362
        palindrome_selfie example2 = new palindrome_selfie(19362);
        // Third example, input = 4669
        palindrome_selfie example3 = new palindrome_selfie(4669);

# Python3 program to find palindromic selfie numbers
# To store all permutations of digits in the number
class palindrome_selfie:
    def __init__(self, num):
        self.all_permutes = set();
        self.number = num;   # input number
    # Function to reverse the digits of a number
    def palindrome(self, num):
        reversednum = 0;
        while (num > 0):
            d = num % 10;   # Extract last digit
            # Append it at the beg
            reversednum = reversednum * 10 + d;
            num = (num // 10);  # Reduce number until 0
        return reversednum;
    # Function that swaps the digits i and j in the num
    def swap(self, num, i, j):
        charArray = list(str(num))
        # Swap the ith and jth character
        temp = charArray[i];
        charArray[i] = charArray[j];
        charArray[j] = temp;
        # Convert back to int and return
        return int("".join(charArray))
    # Function to get all possible permutations
    # of the digits in num
    def permute(self, num, l, r):
        # Adds the new permutation obtained in the set
        if (l == r):
            for i in range(l, r + 1):
                # Swap digits to get a different ordering
                num = self.swap(num, l, i);
                # Recurse to next pair of digits
                self.permute(num, l + 1, r);
                num = self.swap(num, l, i);      # Swap back
    # Function to check palindromic selfie
    def palin_selfie(self):
        # Length of the number required for
        # calculating all permutations of the digits
        l = len(str(self.number)) - 1
        self.permute(self.number, 0, l);      # Calculate all permutations
        # Remove the number and its palindrome from
        #       the obtained set as this is the LHS of
        #       multiplicative equality */
        flag = False;   # Denotes the status result
        # Iterate over all other numbers
        for it in self.all_permutes:
            number2 = it;
            # Check for equality x*palin(x) = y*palin(y)
            if (self.number * self.palindrome(self.number) == number2 * self.palindrome(number2)):
                print("Palindrome multiplicative selfie of", self.number, "is  :" , number2);
                flag = True;    # Answer found
        # If no such number found
        if (flag == False):
            print("Given number has no palindrome selfie.");
# Driver Function
# First example, input = 19362
n2 = palindrome_selfie(19362);
# Second example, input = 4669
n3 = palindrome_selfie(4669);
# This code is contributed by phasing17

// C# program to find palindromic selfie numbers
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class palindrome_selfie
    // To store all permutations of digits in the number
    HashSet<int> all_permutes = new HashSet<int>();
    int number; // input number
    public palindrome_selfie(int num)
        number = num;
    // Function to reverse the digits of a number
    public int palindrome(int num)
        int reversednum = 0;
        int d;
        while (num > 0)
            d = num % 10; // Extract last digit
            // Append it at the beg
            reversednum = reversednum * 10 + d;
            num = num / 10; // Reduce number until 0
        return reversednum;
    // Function to check palindromic selfie
    public void palin_selfie()
        // Length of the number required for
        // calculating all permutations of the digits
        int l = String.Join("",number).Length - 1;
        this.permute(number, 0, l); // Calculate all permutations
        /* Remove the number and its palindrome from
        the obtained set as this is the LHS of
        multiplicative equality */
        bool flag = false; // Denotes the status result
        // Iterate over all other numbers
        foreach (var number2 in all_permutes)
            // Check for equality x*palin(x) = y*palin(y)
            if (number * palindrome(number) ==
                        number2 * palindrome(number2))
                Console.WriteLine("Palindrome multiplicative" +
                                    "selfie of "+ number + " is : "
                                    + number2);
                flag = true; // Answer found
        // If no such number found
        if (flag == false)
            Console.WriteLine("Given number has "+
                            "no palindrome selfie.");
    // Function to get all possible
    // permutations of the digits in num
    public void permute(int num, int l, int r)
        // Adds the new permutation obtained in the set
        if (l == r)
            for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)
                // Swap digits to get a different ordering
                num = swap(num, l, i);
                // Recurse to next pair of digits
                permute(num, l + 1, r);
                num = swap(num, l, i); // Swap back
    // Function that swaps the
    // digits i and j in the num
    public int swap(int num, int i, int j)
        char temp;
        // Convert int to char array
        char[] charArray = String.Join("",num).ToCharArray();
        // Swap the ith and jth character
        temp = charArray[i];
        charArray[i] = charArray[j];
        charArray[j] = temp;
        // Convert back to int and return
        return int.Parse(String.Join("",charArray));
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String []args)
        // First example, input = 145572
        palindrome_selfie example1 = new palindrome_selfie(145572);
        // Second example, input = 19362
        palindrome_selfie example2 = new palindrome_selfie(19362);
        // Third example, input = 4669
        palindrome_selfie example3 = new palindrome_selfie(4669);
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji

// JavaScript program to find palindromic selfie numbers
// To store all permutations of digits in the number
let all_permutes;
let number;
function init(num)
    all_permutes = new Set();
    number = num; // input number
// Function to reverse the digits of a number
function palindrome(num)
    let reversednum = 0;
    let d;
    while (num > 0) {
        d = num % 10; // Extract last digit
        // Append it at the beg
        reversednum = reversednum * 10 + d;
        num = Math.floor(num / 10); // Reduce number until 0
    return reversednum;
// Function that swaps the digits i and j in the num
function swap(num, i, j)
    let temp;
    let charArray = (num.toString()).split("");
    // Swap the ith and jth character
    temp = charArray[i];
    charArray[i] = charArray[j];
    charArray[j] = temp;
    // Convert back to int and return
    return parseInt(charArray.join(""));
// Function to get all possible permutations
// of the digits in num
function permute(num, l, r)
    // Adds the new permutation obtained in the set
    if (l == r)
    else {
        for (var i = l; i <= r; i++) {
            // Swap digits to get a different ordering
            num = swap(num, l, i);
            // Recurse to next pair of digits
            permute(num, l + 1, r);
            num = swap(num, l, i); // Swap back
// Function to check palindromic selfie
function palin_selfie()
    // Length of the number required for
    // calculating all permutations of the digits
    var l = (number.toString()).length - 1;
    permute(number, 0, l); // Calculate all permutations
    /* Remove the number and its palindrome from
           the obtained set as this is the LHS of
           multiplicative equality */
    let flag = false; // Denotes the status result
    // Iterate over all other numbers
    for (var it of all_permutes) {
        let number2 = it;
        // Check for equality x*palin(x) = y*palin(y)
        if (number * palindrome(number)
            == number2 * palindrome(number2)) {
                "Palindrome multiplicative selfie of "
                + number + " is  : " + number2);
            flag = true; // Answer found
    // If no such number found
    if (flag == false) {
            "Given number has no palindrome selfie.");
// Driver Function
// First example, input = 145572
// Second example, input = 19362
// Third example, input = 4669
// This code is contributed by phasing17

Output : 

Palindrome multiplicative selfie of 145572 is  : 157452
Given number has no palindrome selfie.
Palindrome multiplicative selfie of 4669 is  : 6496

Time complexity: O(n*n!) where n is the number of digits in the input number.

Auxiliary Space: O(n!)

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