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p5.js | setInput() Function

The setInput() function is an inbuilt function in p5.js library. This function is used to connects to the p5sound instance that is the master output by default. By using this function you can also pass in a specific source.


setInput(snd, smoothing)

Note: All the sound-related functions only work when the sound library is included in the head section of the index.html file.

Parameter: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:

Below example illustrate the p5.setInput() function in JavaScript:

function preload(){
  sound1 = loadSound('song.mp3');
  sound2 = loadSound('pfivesound.mp3');
function setup(){
  amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();;;
function draw() {
  let gfg = amplitude.getLevel();
  let size = map(gfg, 0, 1, 0, 400);
  ellipse(width/1, height/1, size*2, size*2);
function mousePressed(){
function mouseReleased(){;

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Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by p5.js setInput() function are listed below:

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