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p5.js setCamera() Function

The setCamera() function in p5.js is used to set the renderer’s current camera to the given p5.Camera object. This can be used to switch to multiple cameras.


setCamera( cam )

Parameters: This function accept a single parameter as mentioned above and described below: 

The example below illustrates the setCamera() function in p5.js:

let cameras = [];
let currCameraIndex = 0;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400, WEBGL);
  helpText = createP(
    "Click on the buttons to switch to the"+
    " next camera of the sketch"
  helpText.position(20, 0);
  // Button to switch to the next camera
  // in the scene
  newCameraBtn = createButton("Switch to Next Camera");
  newCameraBtn.position(20, 40);
  // Create 5 cameras and store into array
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    cameras[i] = createCamera();
    // Randomly set the position the camera
    // is looking at using setPosition()
    randomX = floor(random(-100, 100));
    randomY = floor(random(-100, 100));
    cameras[i].setPosition(randomX, randomY, 350);
function switchActiveCamera() {
  // Increment the camera index
  if (currCameraIndex < 4) currCameraIndex += 1;
  else currCameraIndex = 0;
  // Set the camera from the camera array
  // to that index
function draw() {
  // Create three boxes at three positions
  translate(-150, 0);
  translate(150, 0);
  translate(150, 0);


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