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p5.js p5.Font textBounds() Method

The textBounds() method of p5.Font in p5.js is to return a tight bounding box for the given string using the font it is used upon. This method supports only single lines.

textBounds( line, x, y, [fontSize], [options] )

Parameters: This function accepts five parameters as mentioned above and described below: 

The examples below illustrates the textBounds() function in p5.js:
Example 1:

let inputElem;
let currFont;
function preload() {
  currFont = loadFont("fonts/Montserrat.otf");
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 300);
function draw() {
  let text1 = "Hello GeeksforGeeks";
  let text2 = "GeeksforGeeks is a computer science portal";
  text("Below is the example of text bounds using 2 font sizes", 20, 20);
  // Set new font size
  let fontSizeSmall = 16;
  // Get the bounding box dimensions
  let bounding_box = currFont.textBounds(text1, 20, 50, fontSizeSmall);
  // Draw the bounding box
  rect(bounding_box.x, bounding_box.y, bounding_box.w, bounding_box.h);
  // Show the text
  text(text1, 20, 50);
  // Set new font size
  let fontSizeLarge = 22;
  // Get the bounding box dimensions
  let bounding_box2 = currFont.textBounds(text2, 20, 100, fontSizeLarge);
  // Draw the bounding box
  rect(bounding_box2.x, bounding_box2.y, bounding_box2.w, bounding_box2.h);
  text(text2, 20, 100);


Example 2:

let inputElem;
let currfontSize = 28;
let currFont;
function preload() {
  currFont = loadFont("fonts/Montserrat.otf");
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 300);
  // Create button to increase font size
  let fontBtn = createButton("Increase Font Size");
  fontBtn.mouseClicked(() => {
    currfontSize += 2;
  fontBtn.position(20, 70);
  // Create input box
  inputElem = createInput("");
  inputElem.position(20, 40);
  textFont(currFont, currfontSize);
function draw() {
    "Write in input to change the text and observe the bounding box",
  // Display text and line if input not empty
  let enteredText = inputElem.value();
  if (enteredText != "") {
    // Get the bounding box dimensions
    let bounding_box = currFont.textBounds(enteredText, 20, 150, currfontSize);
    // Show the properties of the boundig box
    text("Box Position X: " + bounding_box.x, 20, 180);
    text("Box Position Y: " + bounding_box.y, 20, 200);
    text("Box Height: " + bounding_box.h, 20, 220);
    text("Box Width: " + bounding_box.w, 20, 240);
    // Set properties for drawing the box
    // Draw the bounding box
    rect(bounding_box.x, bounding_box.y, bounding_box.w, bounding_box.h);
    // Show the entered text inside the box
    text(enteredText, 20, 150);


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